Just trying to re-engage my 15-year old daughter with her maths as she's lost interest through very boring teaching at her school. She needs to get through the curriculum but I'd love it if she could find joy and meaning in this. Why does school teaching turn these children off maths so? Any resources or ideas would be most welcome.

Tags: math, maths, numeracy

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Here's my most recent, and I believe possibly the ultimate, math find: http://www.lazymaths.com You might also find some worthwhile resources on the FREE Teacher Toolbar http://professionallearningboard.ourtoolbar.com
Thanks so much Ellen. Am looking forward to trying this out. I showed my daughter what I was doing re my networking through Ning, and she was most intrigued. (I don't think much maths networking is going on MySpace or FaceBook, somehow!
Hi Rebecca,
She may like to try these Voicethread examples:
http://voicethread.com/share/222931/ (Probability)
http://voicethread.com/share/210662/ (Measurement and Ratio)
http://voicethread.com/share/210640/ (Algebra)
This is Larry Ferlazzo's top maths site for 2008: skoool.co.uk

Good Luck and Have Fun! Best Regards, Britt Gow
Hi Britt,

We certainly hope to have fun now. I remember being completely cowed by maths as a child until I hit year 10 - and then, with a different teacher, I just loved the subject. However, it was too late for me to continue with it at a higher level - so I really want to give my daughter the best shot at it before it's too late - although they say it's never too late.

Many thanks
You might find something at Mathetude.

Alternatively, I've built a collection of secondary resources and stored them online at MyFreepath. To get to that, you have to download Freepath, register for myFreepath and join the 'bigreturns' group. But once there you can download the math playlist. II have attached a photo of that file, so you can see what's there. Each resource has a link and a screenshot or a copy of a word document (Blue Text files) or PDF file (Red PDF's). If you go to my blog, there are instructions and links for all of this.
Hi Sue,

This looks fantastic and I really appreciate your generosity. I"ll let you know when I've actually done this!
I'm a big believer in engaging kids by challenging them to develop their own 'meta-structure' of the Mathematics being worked on. Conversation is essential. I've put a range of tasks up on my wiki at: maths-no-fear.wikispaces.com. Havec also started a Ning for Remote Teachers at remoteteachers.ning.com. Regards, Matt.
Developing a meta structure is such a gr8 idea - I just wish teachers would do this in schools. Still, I'll give it a go. Many thanks, Matt.
Rebecca, here are a couple of ideas that might help
Chalkface has a list of popular Maths resources. They all have downloadable free samples which are much loved by student teachers and other folks who don't have a budget from the taxpayer.
Yacapaca has stacks of interactive, online Maths resources that most kids find very motivating. You have to sign up to get access to them, but they are all free. Lots of homeschoolers use this.

All other posters - thanks! I'm really enjoying browsing all the amazing resources out there, and looking forward to teaching my own daughter with them when she's a little bit older (6 months today!).
Many thanks for this, Ian. I'm planning to spend some time in our long holidays (down-under) exploring all these amazing sounding sites everybody has posted. I have come across some recently which I'll also post back (eventually).
There is a great site some high schools use? It's called hotmath.com. You have to pay for the service, but it is great. My school actually purchased an account and had a bunch of the students use it.
I wonder if you've seen Mathletics? This seemed to work really well for a while - and only cost aprox. AUS$80 - but it didn't quite do the trick for my daughter. I think there's alot to be said for those gaming sites like Diablo - being used in other educational areas.
I'll try hot.math to add to my arsenal of sites!



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