Mr. Thomas McLaughlin
New Hope Solebury High School
 Presenting From   Levittown PA
Language in Which You Will Present:  English
Target Audience(s):
High School Education

Mini video lessons lead to an effective differentiation model.


Mini video lessons lead to an effective differentiation model


I would like to present a differentiation model using mini video lessons as the scaffold. In this model the specific class is Algebra. The class has many different levels of algebra student as it is the base level course for our high school. As the year progressed I realized that my students needed a different type of instruction than traditional lecture. I tried a variety of approaches, but the differentiated approach has had the most success. In order to implement this I used my iPad and the showme app (free!) to create mini videos. I then downloaded a copy of each video and posted them to YouTube ( makes the videos playable on the most number of platforms). I used my website to list the video concepts in each section. A typical class now looks like this: Each student is watching a video that teaches the concept, on a computer or itouch. The student then does some practice problems on the concept and checks their answers. The teacher coaches them in the practice problems and/or puts them into small groups to work through difficulties. Once the students are confident they take a short concept quiz(no points), when they have completed all the concepts in the section they take a graded quiz. When the students have completed all the minimum sections they have the option to do extra sections that are weighted. Finally each student is given a unit test on the minimum sections.

The session I would like to teach would walk an instructor through the process of creating these videos, and how to make a website to host them.

Links and resources

Video links for presentation

  1. How to use and the Showme app and YouTube to make mini v...
  2. What is showme 2min 35sec
  3. Using the pause button in Showme app
  4. Using screen captures
  5. ScreenChomp tutorial
  6. How to download from
  7. Editor
  8. VideoPad Editor
  9. Systems of Equations Site
  10. algebra-radicals Site
  11. Spreadsheet Sample
  12. Classroom 2.0 Discussion Group

General Links

  1. Systems of Equations as presented on Mr.
  2. algebra-radicals as presented on Mr.
  4. Showme in the Classroom
  5. What is showme 2min 35sec

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

Tags: Mini, an, differentiation, effective, lead, lessons, model., to, video

Views: 488


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Thank you all who came to the presentation here is the chat window

Thomas McLaughlin , New Hope-solebury School District

New Hope PA. or I

have been teaching for 16 years. I am a National

Board Certified Teacher in Mathematics Secondary

Education. I graduated from La Salle University and

recieved my Masters in Educational Technology from

Lehigh University. I teach mathematics and



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- Mclaughlin TEST joined the Main Room. ( 7:31 PM ) -
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- You joined the Main Room. ( 10:19 PM ) -
- Mclaughlin TEST joined the Main Room. ( 8:19 AM ) -
- Donna Smith joined the Main Room. ( 9:26 AM ) -
Thomas McLaughlin
12:14 PM
hi donna
- congerjan joined the Main Room. ( 1:20 PM ) -
Thomas McLaughlin
1:25 PM
Hello congerjan
- congerjan left the Main Room. ( 1:28 PM ) -
- Tom McCaffrey joined the Main Room. ( 1:29 PM ) -
- Laura turner joined the Main Room. ( 1:30 PM ) -
Thomas McLaughlin
1:30 PM
hi Tom
hi laura
1:31 PM
- Steve Hargadon joined the Main Room. ( 1:32 PM ) -
- Mini video lessons lead to an effective

differentiation model joined the Main Room. ( 1:32 PM

) -
Thomas McLaughlin
1:32 PM
hi Steve...
- mprince joined the Main Room. ( 1:33 PM ) -
Steve Hargadon
1:34 PM
Hi, Tom!
How much help will you need?
1:35 PM
Thomas McLaughlin
1:35 PM
I think I am good to go...just about to test out the

- Laura turner left the Main Room. ( 1:36 PM ) -
- Mini video lessons lead to an effective

differentiation model left the Main Room. ( 1:40 PM )

- Lisa Durff joined the Main Room. ( 1:43 PM ) -
- Alen Delic joined the Main Room. ( 1:43 PM ) -
Thomas McLaughlin
1:44 PM
Hello Lisa and Alen
Lisa Durff
1:44 PM
ok Alen - it's yours
Thomas McLaughlin
1:44 PM
I will be testing the audio again in about 10 min
Lisa Durff
1:44 PM
- Lisa Durff left the Main Room. ( 1:44 PM ) -
Alen Delic
1:45 PM
Hello there!
- Steve Hargadon left the Main Room. ( 1:45 PM ) -
- @bardins joined the Main Room. ( 1:55 PM ) -
Alen Delic
1:56 PM
Use star on the right side of the chat screen and

click on the map.
Thomas McLaughlin
1:56 PM
Thomas McLaughlin , New Hope-solebury School District

New Hope PA. or I

have been teaching for 16 years. I am a National Board

Certified Teacher in Mathematics Secondary Education.

I graduated from La Salle University and recieved my

Masters in Educational Technology from Lehigh

University. I teach mathematics and programming.
Alen Delic
1:57 PM
That would be me in Croatia...
- Debbie joined the Main Room. ( 1:57 PM ) -
- pmurray joined the Main Room. ( 1:57 PM ) -
Thomas McLaughlin
1:58 PM
If you cant hear me rasie your hand
- Lisa joined the Main Room. ( 1:58 PM ) -
Alen Delic
1:58 PM
Someone from Florida?
- Martha Snider joined the Main Room. ( 1:58 PM ) -
1:59 PM
yes - jacksonville, florida
Alen Delic
1:59 PM
Now you can use the chat, sorry about that...
- Georgia Maner joined the Main Room. ( 1:59 PM ) -
- SC DEN joined the Main Room. ( 1:59 PM ) -
Alen Delic
1:59 PM
Jacksonville! I've just been there two weeks ago...
1:59 PM

Alen Delic
1:59 PM
I've visited UNF... Love it there!
- DYates joined the Main Room. ( 1:59 PM ) -
- Mary ALice Rau joined the Main Room. ( 1:59 PM ) -
- Alison Oswald-Keene joined the Main Room. ( 1:59 PM

) -
2:00 PM
great school
computer science teacher in jacksonville, florida
2:01 PM
Alison Oswald-Keene
2:01 PM
hello from Phoenix AZ
- Patti R joined the Main Room. ( 2:01 PM ) -
- Wendy Maboudian - Houston CC joined the Main Room. (

2:01 PM ) -
- Kim W joined the Main Room. ( 2:02 PM ) -
- aunttammie joined the Main Room. ( 2:02 PM ) -
- Larry A joined the Main Room. ( 2:02 PM ) -
Mary ALice Rau
2:02 PM
South Carolina, want to eval use of video in Corp

2:02 PM
Hi. I"m from KY. I teach 9th and 11th grade Chemisty,

Physics, Astronomy, and Geology
- mmeijer 1 joined the Main Room. ( 2:02 PM ) -
Alen Delic
2:02 PM
Alen Delic, Student Assistant, Faculty of Organization

and Informatics, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Elizabeth joined the Main Room. ( 2:02 PM ) -
2:02 PM
Olney, IL Special ed inclusion math teacher
- Carole Fenn joined the Main Room. ( 2:02 PM ) -
- vulinh joined the Main Room. ( 2:02 PM ) -
- Sandy joined the Main Room. ( 2:02 PM ) -
2:03 PM
I am from Saskatchewan, Canada and I am a Curriculum,

Instruction and Assessment Consultant
Martha Snider
2:03 PM
Hello from Stockton, CA. I'm always up for more ideas

on how to engage all students.
- Светлана joined the Main Room. ( 2:03 PM ) -
- Doug Henry joined the Main Room. ( 2:03 PM ) -
- Vicky Sedgwick @visionsbyvicky joined the Main Room.

( 2:03 PM ) -
Thomas McLaughlin
2:03 PM
- Julie Whitehead joined the Main Room. ( 2:03 PM ) -
- Tracey joined the Main Room. ( 2:03 PM ) -
- Lisa 1 joined the Main Room. ( 2:03 PM ) -
- SUzanne Wesp joined the Main Room. ( 2:03 PM ) -
- Lisa 2 joined the Main Room. ( 2:04 PM ) -
- RSchneider joined the Main Room. ( 2:04 PM ) -
Doug Henry
2:04 PM
You can file>save>Whiteboard to save as pdf
- Heather joined the Main Room. ( 2:04 PM ) -
Alen Delic
2:04 PM
- Elizabeth left the Main Room. ( 2:04 PM ) -
- Elizabeth 1 joined the Main Room. ( 2:04 PM ) -
- Sue Ann Miller joined the Main Room. ( 2:04 PM ) -
- Sharon Stoner joined the Main Room. ( 2:05 PM ) -
- V-RESENDEZJR@SBCGLOBAL.NET joined the Main Room. (

2:05 PM ) -
- Wahku joined the Main Room. ( 2:05 PM ) -
- Hinsdale central illinois joined the Main Room. (

2:06 PM ) -
- joanne joined the Main Room. ( 2:06 PM ) -
- Tracey left the Main Room. ( 2:06 PM ) -
- Lisa 2 left the Main Room. ( 2:06 PM ) -
Thomas McLaughlin
2:07 PM
- Steve H joined the Main Room. ( 2:07 PM ) -
Alen Delic
2:07 PM
Participants: You can scroll the video on your own

until presenter goes back to the board.
- Julie Whitehead left the Main Room. ( 2:07 PM ) -
- Hinsdale central illinois left the Main Room. ( 2:07

PM ) -
Wendy Maboudian - Houston CC
2:07 PM
I'm seeing the ShowMe home page. can't see what you

are showing
- Eileen K joined the Main Room. ( 2:07 PM ) -
- joanne left the Main Room. ( 2:07 PM ) -
Thomas McLaughlin
2:08 PM
- Sharon Stoner left the Main Room. ( 2:08 PM ) -
- sarah joined the Main Room. ( 2:08 PM ) -
- hinsdale central illinois joined the Main Room. (

2:08 PM ) -
- hinsdale central illinois left the Main Room. ( 2:08

PM ) -
Doug Henry
2:09 PM
Do you have any naming conventions for your videos, so

students can easily find them?
Thomas McLaughlin
2:09 PM
- Margaret Ridgeway joined the Main Room. ( 2:09 PM )

Alen Delic
2:09 PM
Doug Henry
2:10 PM
See it
- jduffie joined the Main Room. ( 2:09 PM ) -
- Tom McCaffrey left the Main Room. ( 2:10 PM ) -
- Carole Fenn left the Main Room. ( 2:10 PM ) -
- hinsdale central illinois #2 joined the Main Room. (

2:10 PM ) -
Thomas McLaughlin
2:10 PM
- Mariel Gomez de la Torre joined the Main Room. (

2:10 PM ) -
- Margie Guillot joined the Main Room. ( 2:11 PM ) -
Doug Henry
2:11 PM
Excellent, thanks...
Sue Ann Miller
2:11 PM
so do you flip your classroom
- Mariel Gomez de la Torre left the Main Room. ( 2:11

PM ) -
2:12 PM
looks like a camera filming an ipad
Thomas McLaughlin
2:12 PM
mmeijer 1
2:12 PM
There's really bad feedback on one of the

2:13 PM
is there an app to just film a screenshot of what is

on the ipad?
2:13 PM
app called reflection?
2:13 PM
2:14 PM
so you can't do something like's just

a lot of slides?
- hinsdale central illinois #2 left the Main Room. (

2:13 PM ) -
2:14 PM
didn't look like a bunch of slides
- Hinsdale Central Illinois joined the Main Room. (

2:13 PM ) -
- Vicky Sedgwick @visionsbyvicky left the Main Room. (

2:14 PM ) -
SUzanne Wesp
2:14 PM
You can take a screenshot of your iPad screen by

holding the Home button and then clicking the power

- RSchneider left the Main Room. ( 2:14 PM ) -
Thomas McLaughlin
2:14 PM
Alen Delic
2:14 PM
Participants: You can scroll the video on your own

until presenter goes back to the board.
2:15 PM
any idea for doing this if you don't use ipad?
kindle fire?
2:15 PM
2:16 PM
I"m confused...I thought you couldn't film a video on

the ipad
very complicated and time consuming. I think I would

just use my smart pen
2:17 PM
Wendy Maboudian - Houston CC
2:17 PM
Could you please put this movie url here?
Thomas McLaughlin
2:17 PM
- Georgia Maner left the Main Room. ( 2:17 PM ) -
Wendy Maboudian - Houston CC
2:17 PM
2:18 PM
my echo smartpen video could be incorporarated this

app, I think. Much easier than taking dozens and

dozens of screenshots!
Thomas McLaughlin
2:18 PM
- Lisa 1 left the Main Room. ( 2:18 PM ) -
- mprince left the Main Room. ( 2:19 PM ) -
- Heather left the Main Room. ( 2:19 PM ) -
Thomas McLaughlin
2:20 PM
2:20 PM
- Karina joined the Main Room. ( 2:20 PM ) -
Thomas McLaughlin
2:21 PM
- Wahku left the Main Room. ( 2:20 PM ) -
- Pat joined the Main Room. ( 2:21 PM ) -
2:21 PM
The adding screen capture video doesn't show HOW to do

- SUzanne Wesp left the Main Room. ( 2:21 PM ) -
2:22 PM
NO, I mean how to insert the pictures
- Julio Palma joined the Main Room. ( 2:22 PM ) -
2:22 PM
hi McLaughlin, I see this tool a while ago, can you

make a poll or something after this talk to see how

other teachers see it
Thomas McLaughlin
2:22 PM
2:22 PM
As a technologist I love it but I want to know from

teachers POV
- Elizabeth 1 left the Main Room. ( 2:23 PM ) -
Thomas McLaughlin
2:24 PM
2:25 PM
2:25 PM
- Steve H left the Main Room. ( 2:25 PM ) -
- Martha Snider left the Main Room. ( 2:25 PM ) -
Thomas McLaughlin
2:26 PM
2:26 PM
do you get the kids to make their own videos to show

you their own understanding -
- Lisa left the Main Room. ( 2:26 PM ) -
2:27 PM
great info - gtg
- Sandy left the Main Room. ( 2:27 PM ) -
- @bardins left the Main Room. ( 2:27 PM ) -
- Margaret Ridgeway left the Main Room. ( 2:27 PM ) -
- Karina left the Main Room. ( 2:27 PM ) -
2:28 PM
Thomas McLaughlin
2:28 PM
- Hinsdale Central Illinois left the Main Room. ( 2:28

PM ) -
2:28 PM
I think giving kids a chance to make their own movies

is a web 2.o element
- Patti R left the Main Room. ( 2:28 PM ) -
- Wendy Maboudian - Houston CC left the Main Room. (

2:29 PM ) -
- vulinh left the Main Room. ( 2:29 PM ) -
2:29 PM
Great for an inclusion classroom
2:29 PM
Thanks for the great information!
- Larry A left the Main Room. ( 2:29 PM ) -
2:29 PM
Thank you
- pmurray left the Main Room. ( 2:29 PM ) -
Kim W
2:30 PM
Thanks for this session!!
2:30 PM
- Mary ALice Rau left the Main Room. ( 2:30 PM ) -
Thomas McLaughlin
2:30 PM
- Eileen K left the Main Room. ( 2:30 PM ) -
- Kim W left the Main Room. ( 2:30 PM ) -
- Debbie left the Main Room. ( 2:30 PM ) -
Doug Henry
2:30 PM
Thank you! Great session...
2:30 PM
thank you!
Thomas McLaughlin
2:30 PM
- mmeijer 1 left the Main Room. ( 2:30 PM ) -
- Alison Oswald-Keene left the Main Room. ( 2:30 PM )

Thomas McLaughlin
2:30 PM
- aunttammie left the Main Room. ( 2:30 PM ) -
- Julio Palma left the Main Room. ( 2:30 PM ) -
Sue Ann Miller
2:31 PM
- Doug Henry left the Main Room. ( 2:30 PM



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