I wanted to start a discussion on sharing some must see websites. I can sit in front of the computer hours searching for sources of information, so I thought since two heads are generally better than one, we could share the burden of responsibility by collaborating on this list together. Post YOUR favorite websites here and I will work on compiling a complete list to post on the website. Speaking of...have any of you used the delicious site?


Here is my start off, just off the top of my head:

www.slideshare.com - great power points for use in the classroom, save me some time! Just remember to give credit where credit is due.

www.animoto.com - students create their own slide show presentations from pics, if you don't register you can only create a 60 sec video or something, but great for summarizing a topic in visual form.

www.FreeDigitalPhotos.net - just that, free digital phots, the best I have seen so far! Great for vocabulary development.

mathtrain.TV - students create videos for math, I haven't tried this site, but I have seen some of the student created videos. Great!

GoogleDocs is a must have access to for students collaborating on homework. You can use this in the classroom if you have enough laptops, too.


Enjoy Exploring!

Michelle Sumner

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I have visited most of those. FreeDigitalPhotos.net is new -- I will have to check that out. I am increasingly using Google Docs more as time goes by.

Here are a few blogs I like to follow for #TechEd info and ideas. I usually find a lot of good things. Haven't been able to use them all yet, tho'.



http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/ (designed for ELL)





Websites for collaboration--

www.wikispaces.com - website collaborating

http://cacoo.com/ - drawing collaborating

http://flockdraw.com/ - simple drawing collaborating

www.primarypad.com -- a brainstorming collaboration

As for delicious, I've seen it and I was already using Portaportal extensively, so didn't feel like starting over.

Hope that's helpful!
Very! I will have to look at Partaportal, delicious doesn't run on my school website. Thanks for all the feeds. Some of them I am connected to as well, great info out there, we CAN apply to deaf education. Thanks Harry.
I use delicious and we have just started planning to use delicious to share resources put together for workshops and related to other Resource Materials and Technology Center for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing collections of links. One of the Tech Specialists coordinates a newsletter regularly called Tech Notes that has lists of events, resources, links, etc. Delicious is a perfect way to share links since you can subscribe to each other, tags, etc.
I just started using delicious. I don't yet know all the capabilities but sounds like a fantastic idea. I will look more into how to connect and share lists. Thanks for the tip.



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