Hi everyone!  I'm Michelle Adler, a special education teacher in Lincoln, NE.  I'm new to this whole blog and discussion board thing, but I'm going to give it a try.  I have a question though for those of you who use technology more than I do.

My school received a grant in order to get some technology in the resource room.  I have an ipod with about 100+ apps on it.  I give it to my students when they have free time.  I'm curious how other people with ipods use them in their classrooms.

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There are plenty of Apps for phonics and math facts.  You can look into audiobooks from Audible and some of the interactive books from the iTunes store.
You could Skype with students in another classroom to discuss something you've learned... My 3 year old daughter loves to use the voice recording feature to say random things and listen to herself - Could you create podcasts of your students sharing something they're passionate about? If it's the latest version (4g) with cameras, your students could create videos of themselves reviewing a great book and post it to youtube for a global audience. I was at a fantastic 3 day workshop this week and my biggest question from here on out is "WHY?"... Why are you using it? Is it just to take up time or give kids virtual worksheets, or is it going to be a tool you can use to teach them to be digital citizens? Don't let your lessons revolve around the iPod... It's simply a tool, like a pencil or paper. Figure out a great lesson, then figure out how you can take it further with this new tool at your disposal. Good luck! :)
Thanks for the ideas.  I think the next thing I need to learn about is Skype.  I have never used it but it appears I am going to have to learn.

I do have a projector and an ELMO.  I think I am going to have to start talking to the district about getting more apps.  They are not allowing us to download apps on our own.  I think it has something to do with the iTune account. 


Since I am a resource teacher, it would be nice to find some podcasts that I could use to either help build background knowledge or reinforce concepts taught in the regular classroom. 

Thanks for the ideas.

I just introduced the Web 2.0 tool Quizlet to our elementary teachers that have iPods last week.  There are apps on the website that you can download and then have your created quizlets pushed out to their iPods.  I think this will be a great addition to our iPods.  Kids will be able to study vocabulary, spelling, etc., while on their iPods at their desks.

I will have to look into that.  I think I may even have a Quizlet account.  I know I was trying to create some flash cards on my iPod today and it was taking forever. 

Thanks for the idea.

I don't have an iPod but I do have an iPhone. There are some really great apps for teachers. I use iGrade for Teachers and Teacher Pal to help out with grades and behavior. If you have access to wifi in your classroom Mobile Mouse lets you use your iPod as a mouse for your computer. I use the Pronto Forms app to track behavior. iReward Chart and Reward Chart are two apps I use for behavior interventions with the resource students that are in my class. I teach math and I really love Number Line, iFormulas and Basic Math. eduTeacher is a really cool app for teachers that helps you find technology. I hope this helps

Dear Michelle,

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Start creating! Check out http://hcstechcoach.wikispaces.com/iPod+App+List for some ideas...

That looks like a lot of great apps.  My problem is that I am told that I can't put apps on the ipod myself.  I will inform the people at my district to look at some of those apps though!


I have been making my own podcasts for students (mostly for students with reading difficulties) of reading material that has content to which I want them to have access. Example: research material for social studies or science. I have been also podcasting my assessments for science and social studies. Students can listen to the questions, allowing for better access for all students. I have gotten a lot of positive feedback from students who have told me it takes off much of the pressure of assessments, knowing they won't have to struggle with the reading.

Students with writing difficulties can use a recording app, like voice memo, to record information instead of writing it. There is Dragon Dictation (speech to text app) as well (haven't used it with kids yet - hope to this week).
I do have the Dragon Dictation app and have used it with kids.  I just got a better microphone and it is working better than what it had been.  I had problems when I used the little microphone that is on the earbuds.  I like the idea of creating a podcast for assessments.  Thanks for the idea!



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