Hi Classroom 2.0ers!


I work at an international school in Shanghai, China. Our first graders are about to embark on a unit exploring how weather affects people. We were hoping to find a couple of other classes to share temperature information with along with some photos of the weather and what we're wearing. Our students will be taking temperature readings daily so I thought maybe we could send the info once a week? Anyone out there interested or know someone who might be interested?


Look forward to hearing from you!


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That sounds great! I am going to get a wikispace up and running today or tomorrow and will send out the information. My email is ms.kate.rbis@gmail.com.


Look forward to hearing from you!


Hello everyone!


I am so excited about this project! I am the technology integration specialist, so I will be supporting the first grade teachers throughout this project. I am going to set up a wikispace today. Please email me at ms.kate.rbis@gmail.com at your earliest convenience with your school name and location so I can add it to the wiki. I will also create an email list. I am going to start entering our weather data tomorrow morning on the wiki, but please feel free to jump in starting next week if you need time to plan. Please not that we are one day ahead of those of you in the States here in Shanghai. Also, we will be out of school from January 31-February 4th for Chinese New Year. 


The wiki url is http://globalweatherproject.wikispaces.com/


The second week of February our students will start focusing on the weather in different regions, perhaps then we can share pictures or video. Look forward to working with all of you!



We live in Bangor Maine---my  I am sure my son's first grade class would love to participate too.  I will talk to his teacher tomorrow.  


Hi, I am a tech teacher for a k-6 school district.  Are you still looking for classes to work with? If so, I can ask one of my first grade teachers if they are interested.

Sure! I would like to start posting weather data ASAP.

The wiki address is http://globalweatherproject.wikispaces.com/. Please sign on and join our wiki!

Hi Kate,


I have a split 2,3 & 4 class on the Magdalen Islands in Quebec, Canada. I think your project would be very interesting. When would you be starting your project?


Hi Dorothy,


We would love to share data with you! Please join our Wiki. I will post temps from Monday through Wednesday today.








I am the Tech Integrator for PreK-5 students at The Bolles School in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL  I would love to join the project and have students share what our weather is like.  My email is clementsc@bolles.org.

ePals has a great Weather project, and you might want to use some of the resources and ideas from that unit in your collaboration.

See: http://www.epals.com/projects/info.aspx?DivID=Weather_elements

You can also find other teachers interested in doing this project (or parts of it) in the ePals Project Forum for Weather: http://www.epals.com/forums/186.aspx



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