You might know that one of the professional hats I wear is as the director of's K-12 Open Technologies Initiative. I also run the Open Source Pavilions and speaker series at the and NECC ed tech conferences.
I've felt for a while that the time is right for users of Free and Open Source Software in K-12 to have their own network. So I've done some reconfiguring with my domain, creating a collaborative site which I hope will help to build the Free and Open Source Software ecosystem in K-12. The wiki that was previously there is now at, and I've set up a Ning community just for Open Source in K-12 at
I hope you'll come join the community, and while we can still have discussions on Open Source at Classroom 2.0, that having a separate network will increase exposure and activity. Open Source deserves a bigger stage! And we'll also need some folks to start groups around favorite software programs--I hope you'll consider coming and doing that!
Steve Hargadon
Founder, Classroom 2.0