With the proliferation of web 2.0 apps, it seems that the operating system is becoming less and less important. Most modern OS's can run most modern software, and most modern browsers can run most web apps. So does the question now shift to which hardware is best? Which "user experience" is best? Does the old "most software won't run on a Mac..." argument still hold water? Should we all switch to Ubuntu?

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Thanks for the advice to pass on to Brenda about seeking a grant. Unfortunately, I don't know if she has access to the country grant writer. This county has a bloated central office and they tend not to let teachers do things they don't approve of. That's why I took retirement... It was like kicking a brick wall every day. I wish I could help her with grant writing, but I am more of a fighter than a grant writer. (as you are aware by now).

And, yes, it is true that the speech teachers and reading teachers are often left off the technology round-table, but so are the special ed classes. Last year before retirement I returned to the school where I'd been such a pioneer in the use of the Internet with special ed, and lo-and-behold, not a single one of the special ed classroom these, ten years later, had a computer in it even for the teacher. The teacher who were there now were surprised to hear what had gone on there some years back. They weren't told or encouraged to use the technology. It was moved out of the room and never replaced.

So, I am glad that wherever you are, special ed is held in higher esteem. My sister in PA, with an autistic son has listened to educators, year after year, tell her that her son is too retarded to learn to use a computer. They have computers in the special ed classes there, equipped with games that are used as rewards for good behavior. But the kids aren't taught to use the computers for anything else, and the computer are not used to improve the learning of the stdents. A different problem from what I'd fought against here in VA, but again, a dismissal of the value of special ed students and how they can benefit from technology.

PS: Andrew can do quite a bit with the computer at home, and a computer was not only specified for his parents to provide in his new group home, but they had to update the computer from what he'd been working on at home! But, at school he's too retarded to use a computer ... go figure ...
Oh dear, Indigo, you are argumentative

Here is Wiki's version of the History of the Internet: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Internet

Notice that in the 1960's the only connection between computer terminals was a cord - so calling PLATE "Online Education" is a stretch.

I cam onboard in 1987 when I added a 1200 baud modem to my Apple IIe. Through Compuserve, I met some friends who are still friends, some of who go back a few years to when one dialed into a specific machine to leave a message for someone to get later when they dialed into that specific machine. Virginia PEN came into existance about '89 or '90 and provided an 800 number to dial into the server in Richmond. It provided free accounts and access to the number to any teacher in Virginia. Tim Sigmon had developed Virginia's PEN in conjunction with the Virginia Department of Education. It was the first teacher network other than FREDmail that was used prior to the Big Sky Network of one-room schools in Montana.

Perhaps PLATO was the program in use in the Isaac Asimov story "The Fun They Had" http://www.educationalsynthesis.org/language/FunHad.html

Maybe you could match history stories with your own history instead of relying on Wiki????? Oh, well, "come after"......
Aren't you two getting exhausted? I'm exhausted reading this thread and I've got the feeling neither of you will quit!!
Indigo, No offense taken--I'm one of the most non-confrontational people you could ever meet. I won't even tell my sons to put down the toilet seat and the oldest one is 33!! I'm pretty impressed that you can keep the discussion threads straight! N.

My first use of computers was also with punch cards in the seventies. I couldn't bear to cut up a cat, so instead of taking the Biology II lab, I opted for a course in computer programming. It was on a mainframe. Until the mid 80's I did not have any contact with computers. I took a course on Appleworks, and saw that it could make my life as a teacher so much more efficient than the electric typewriter I was using. Hubby talked me into laying out the funds.

BTW, in the nineties, I had a friend who was a doctoral student at Syracuse. The years are wrong for that to have been your father. If your father was getting his doctorate in computer science, he may have been one of the pioneers at Syracuse on Bitnet. Perhaps I should be talking old time with your father? If he was getting his doctorate in something else other than education or psychology, I probably didn't know him if he stayed on at Syracuse after getting his paper. In any event, Syracuse fixes in my mind as the great center for research in autism.

You really should read "The Fun They Had" to understand the difference between the PLATO system and the "online education" that I was predicting in the mid-nineties.
I've recently read The Fun They Had to my students, you should have invented Blackboard or Moodle and you could have been a millionaire.

I wish I had invented Blackboard or Moodle. I still don't know what Moddle is --- I hear the word flashed around on here a lot. Blackboard is nice. I used that when I took online classes with Cal State to get my online teaching and learning certificate a few years back.

In any event, instead, I've "invented" a website that provides resources for teachers. Much of what I have is still focused on printables, and the popularity of those pages indicates that there is still a great need for teachers to print what they can use. I've done a few flash videos and games/quizzes, and they are also popular. But, I'm not a programmer so I can't make or even update the really good stuff that is needed especially for elementary classes. I'm pretty much homebound, and rural, so finding a business for Brenda won't be easy.

You are right that it is my past experiences that picture Indigo with the face of a particularly obnoxious techie who caused me all sorts of problems. I have seen some truly awful examples of admins, along with a few good ones. But, when someone starts out dictating what teachers should have to make do with, I come out swinging.

BTW, if you know of Internet sites that can provide similar to the Sims games, please let me know. Then I will get off the Sims kick. I've got a webquest that I made a few years ago that I updated and want to extend across the grades. I'll put up other discussions for those quesitons.
Hi Anne, Just wanted to let you know that Blackboard and Moodle are similar. They both allow teachers to set up a "course" and students can interact with the material in that "course." Blackboard costs and Moodle is free. It seems to me that more colleges use Blackboard while more K-12 schools use Moodle, although I have no stats to back this up. It's just my impression of what the schools in our area use. You can find out more about Moodle at moodle.org.
Thanks, Julie,

I'll look up the information, and if appropriate, hang it on my website for teachers. I know Blackboard is costly.



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