What other tools do you use in your Personal Learning Networks besides classroom 2.0?

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The links provided by educators via Twitter are enough to keep any teacher going for a year, if the teacher is following curriculum and instruction leaders in the field. Lots of links to Web 2.0 resources and tutorials and suggestions for ways to integrate technology, as well as develop general skills as a teacher and educator. EdCamps are also promoted via Twitter. Of course, Ning communities, such as this one are an excellent resource. I refer English teachers and pre-service teachers for instance to the English Companion ning. 
Thank you for your input and I liked the reference to EdCamps.  This term was new to me and from what  information I have found it sounds very interesting and a wonderful tool for collaboration.

You will see EdCamps mentioned on Twitter. They provide free professional development and are a way for educators to get together, set the agenda for sharing that day, and then attend break-out groups. At the end of the day, at the Smackdown, attendees voluntarily show a favorite Web 2.0 tool or similar computer application. Even if you don't attend in person, you can follow along through the chats, on Twiter, using the hashtag. For instance, this August, an EdCamp was held here in Connecticut, where I live, and the hashtag on Twitter was #edcampct. Yes, they are an excellent way to collaborate in-person on online. At the EdCampCT, for instance, I saw a wonderful demo of how a social studies teacher from MA uses video in his teaching, for mock debates and so forth. One of the national organizers of EdCamps, Dan Callaher (? think that is his name), also did a presentation on the concept in general of what are the best forms of professional development. Perhaps others can chime in on the benefits of EdCamps.

I have just taken a course in PLN. This includes Twitter and Google Reader. I need to sort through the material to see what is the best.
I just came across TeachersFirst.  I get a newsletter with a section called Featured Sites that are great.  I also get a newsletter from Emerging Ed Tech that has great stuff.
I've been growing my PLN on Google+.  I've already touched base with a couple dozen teachers from all over the world, including some from this site, and they're always sharing great links and ideas.

I am learning how to create and develop PLN in my college class.  Some ways we are developing ours is by using Listserv called QIAT.  The website is: http://natri.uky.edu/assoc_projects/qiat/listserv.html.  This is a email collaboration system.  Here is also a website that talks about PLN and Twitter: http://whatsnewintheworld.net/2010/01/twitter-as-a-pln/.  I also think that you might find some blogs helpful.  Here are some that I have looked at: http://www.onlinedegrees.org/top-40-special-education-blogs/.  

I hope this helps,




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