Does anyone have any ideas for positive reinforcement that is affordable and not just prize box?  We are a PBIS school and we use the traffic light and use Eagle bucks for good behavior and then they get to buy coupons for things like lunch with teacher, etc.  I teach fourth grade and at this point in the year it's kind of hard to motivate my students since they are "over" the Eagle bucks and coupons.  What do you do in your classroom to encourage good behavior and reward students?

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Can be used for f2f and online classes....


This looks interesting! I have a few questions because I may have to try this with my students next year!

How do you use this application with your students? Is there a point total you have them try to reach?

Do you do this in front of your students? 

 Do they get upset when they get a "negative"? 

Is it easy to manage?  It seems like it would be difficult to keep up with (to open the application and give positives and negatives everytime something happens) 

Just a few thoughts!  Thanks for sharing!   


We are using classdojo with ESL students who we were having a lot of problems with "learning in a Canadian online environment " while in China. So...we are actually using it online with High School students to get them to class on time, to do their assignments and to get things organized in general....So...they like it....classroom management.....Super easy to manage if you are "around" or "nera" your computer...just like the chalkboard...

Alan November gave me the idea...and he saw it in use in Australia in a kindergarten classroom. The story goes....that Alan was so impressed with the learning and the focus of these kindergarten students that he asked the teacher his secret and the teacher replied, "classdojo"....

I noticed that they are still updating and working on the rewards I imagine that it will all work out in the end....I used a similar idea in my grade 7 class using my chalkboard a few years ago based on "House Points" and it went over well....It's up to you :)


Hey Kate.  I sell coupons.  They include computer passes, homework passes, sit next to a friend, teach a lesson, read a book to a younger class (they love being the center of attention), extra recess, sit at the teacher's desk, and jump to the front of the line.  Good luck!

Even in my high school classes, students love to teach the class and show off to their classmates. You could give this incentive for the best projects or for the best behaviors. We also have competitions a lot. Where whoever finishes first with the correct answers get extra credit. Hope this helps.

I liked this punch card system I saw on Pinterest. It can be modified for behavior.



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