When we think social, we immediately go to the mindset of communicating with someone in a verbal form. But, do we ever stop to think about how we communicate and what it does to and for those around us? As powerful people, the leaders of our countries and our homes and our neighborhoods create environments that are either condusive for a successful future or a hindrance and stunts the growth of the possibly successful, in our environments. For instance, the individual that wants to be more, but resides in the slummed city or the projects is already pegged to be nothing. I find myself feeling that there is a responsiblity that I have as not only an educator, but also a product of the same environment, to teach them and guide them to step outside of the box. I find myself wishing that I had more power to do more aand create a more successful future with the snap of my fingers. Unfortunately, my power simply stops with encouragement and a little knowledge. I can only be the teacher. What does power have to do with the social responsibility of our society and the major figures that it entails?
Give me your opinion and make sure that you give at least two other responses.
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The question is asking, what is the social responsibility of the people in that environment.
I believe that a indivisual have to want sucess to be sucessful. A person's individuality determine who they are and who the going to be in the future.When most people get power they abuse it. It boost modst people self-esteem. A person have they own mind and reaction.A person community can not be the blame for holding them back.
With power over socializing you can influence alot of things. Not only negative, but positive too. Socializing isnt just talking through telephones and text messages. It's the way you carry and present yourself. For instance, a boy sagging his pants;; well he didnt just wake up one day and decide that he was going to wear his pants below his waist. He had an influence from either the entertainment he watches, or the community around him. That has alot to do with the power of social responsibility. the only thing an older person can do is tell them to pull them up, but is that really going to change anything.? The next day your garanteed to see that same boy SAGGiN'. You really don't havee power over the social world, but you do have power over who and what you associate yourself with.
Power is authority, the way that it can affect the environment is by making some one feel like they don't belong, the reason i say this is because by having power and authority can an individual less than what they are. By that individual less than what they are he/she can affect a person which can affect another person and can affect a community and a community can affect the environment. Imagine this a school principle is basically the head of the school, so what ever type of mind set that he/she has is the type of attitude thats going to affect the teachers which affects the students. People can affect one another, so if the one thats in charge has a optimistic spirit thats the type of effect that is going to be around him and thats the type of effect that your environment is going to have.
I agree with this statement and the actions of others can make a change it can affect anyone wether its good or bad it can either be a positive or negative impact to a society!!!!
chris i agree with you a hundred and 5 percent , because the head of your household also determines the way you are. such as parents and children.
Dear AMS,
There are many opportunities to make a difference. It does take time, effort, and money. Dallas has a fair share of disadvantaged schools and communities. What to do? How can I make a difference?
On the ground floor, volunteer your services, tutor. Or, reach out to those organizations that are trying to improve their neighborhoods. Raise money. You can do that. Call upon your education and talent, contact those Dallas businesses and local community leaders, get them on board in a target community.
A person's power to make a change is dependent on their willingness to roll up their sleeves and pick up the phone.
Join the Rotary, Elks, or Lions clubs. Volunteer at education or neighborhood foundations.
You will be surprised with the power that you can wield.
These suggestions are tremendously effective and can make a difference in the success of the community. The one thing that can be taken from this conversation is that we each can do something that can impact our community. The most important thing is where we start and understanding that we have to take initiative and be and create the change that we want to see. Those ideas are well considered John and can create a completely different community; someone just has to be willing to do more.
In my opinion, when most people get power they abuse it. It boost modst people self-esteem. A person have they own mind and reaction.A person community can not be the blame for holding them back. If everybody had their own power we would have to put it together to make a succesful society or a despicable society. Power decomposes our society and social responsibility. A person's power to make a change is dependent on their willingness to roll up their sleeves and pick up the phone. People can affect one another, so if the one thats in charge has a optimistic spirit thats the type of effect that is going to be around him and thats the type of effect that your environment is going to have.
i disagree when you say when people get power they abuse it. imagine this Barac Obama come from an environment similar to ours and he has plenty of power but he don't abuse it. as a matter of fact he might even share his power.
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