Greg Mortenson, whose humanitarian efforts to promote peace through education are chronicled in Three Cups of Tea, will talk about school-building efforts in Afghanistan and Pakistan during a free Edutopia webinar on April 15. He'll also be talking about a service-learning program called Pennies for Peace that gives students a chance to make a difference in the world.
I'm excited about hosting this conversation. What questions would you--or your students--like to ask? 

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I just finished his book "Stones into Schools", but have not read "Three Cups of Tea" yet. I would like to introduce him to my website, and ask him how I can be of assistance via the web either to his teachers or directly with his students. If it can be useful, I can set up a specific area for the CAI project and help his teachers put on the web, some of the content that they now have to get from books.

I am a retired teacher and would love to be of help with his teachers.

I would also like him to know that I applaud what he has done with his life. He is truly "making a difference in the world".

Hi Anne,
Thanks for sharing your site. What a wonderful way to continue sharing your wisdom!
Thanks to all who attended the webinar with Greg Mortenson. We had more than 1,000 participants, including a number of school assemblies. (Some of my favorite questions came from students.)
If you missed the event, here's the recording. Feel free to share with your colleagues and students. I'd love to know if Greg's story inspires you to start service-learning projects with your own students.



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