Reasons Education Leaders Should Let Kids Bring Devices to School

Getting Smart’s Tom Vander Ark argues why education leaders should let kids bring devices to school. Do you agree with his POV?

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I agree, but it is really hard to change perceptions people have about such devices. I use an ipod touch to do a variety of tasks from research to making anecdotal records, but when I first started using the device had to take time to explain to students what I was using it for as some of them had commented that I was 'playing on my phone all day'. I find that even with other adults and educators I have to go through the process of explaining that my device is not just for gaming and show them some of the apps I use to facilitate education.

I think part of this debate has to do with the question of distraction.  Many people, myself included to some extent, feel that the presence of personal electronic devices in the classroom is conducive to distracting students from the content being taught.  I know personally, when I'm working at home I fall prey to the distraction of the Internet and will occasionally check my e-mail and some of the gossip sites.  I can only imagine how tempting it must be for a young student in a similar postion.  But then again, I could be wrong.  Maybe this generation that has grown up with this technology does not get easily distracted by it.  Since I am an aspiring teacher, and have yet to be placed in a classroom, I am curious if anyone else has found such devices to be too distracting for their students.

Makes me think of teachers who fought against windows in schools in the 18th century – with exactly the same argument. What if the lesson were so engaging, pupils wouldn't LOOK for distraction?

I totally think that students should be allowed to use their devices in school. They already have them with them, and for many students, they are already turned on and being used behind the teacher's back. This is where students need educated. They need to see the devices as tools, just as much as they are a means of recreation. The students already have them so teachers may as well help students use the devices to their full potential.

As for them being a distraction. There is no doubt they will be a distraction at times, just like the hundred other things in the room students can find as a distraction. I have used mobile devices in the classroom several times, and every time, I am astounded with how well the students handle the activity. It is the one time in the day where I don't feel like they are all sneaking texts under their desks.

I really do think that students should be allowed to bring their devices to school.  Today technology is a part of a child's day to day life.  However, when you work with a group of students that does not have the luxury to have one of these devices at home there may result various issues or conflicts to get all of the students to be in the same page.  I really hope that school districts start providing some of these devices to the school in order to provide an equal assistance to all students.  I also do think that it is very difficult to change perspectives from those who are so used to the same routines and are too scared of change.  However, I really do think that with time technology will continue to play a greater role in our lives and I really hope that bringing devices to schools will one day be acceptable. 

Leave the devices at home! All attention should be on the lesson if you want classroom control.  If you are an aspiring teacher and not in the classroom yet, read my book THINK YOU CAN TEACH? A SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHERS.  Appropriate for all grade levels. With all these people hooked on technology, are they really a successful teacher! What about lesson plans, classroom management, parent conferences, yard duty, grades, principal's evaluation, etc. I can send you my book or get it from amazon,  $10. for 37 yrs experience as mentor teacher and principal. Send $10 payable to Leon Avrech to: CLASSROOM PO BOX 36036 SAN JOSE CA.

I agree with letting students bring their devices to school.  If we use them in a positive manner it can be a powerful learning tool.  Also, with school budgets being reduced, the money schools had that could be used for implementing technology has decreased and letting students bring their devices into school can supplement these loses.

I really do think that students should be allowed to bring their devices to school.  Its my personal opinion.....

It seems to me quite natural to let kids bring their devices. This act can, besides many other values, connect kids back to school because nowadays such devices are one of the essential factors of their natural enviroment. The fear from distractions is not real if the lessons are well built and engaging kids through the process of learning.



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