I am currently researching strategies for implementing Response to Intervention (RtI) in a middle school setting and would love feedback from anyone who is currently practicing RtI at a middle school or high school setting.

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Using descriptive information gathered from middle schools already implementing RTI, this resource is designed to provide information to school, district, and state administrators and staff about how the essential components of RTI may be implemented in middle schools.

A Graphic Organizer with a supporting Rubric is a great approach for RTI.  For example, by making explicit and intentional through a graphic organizer and rubric what it is you want to students to know, understand, and be able to do you can differentiate and scaffold learning based upon what the student produces.  

Think about writing a summary.  Once the "learning points" have been clear and modeled, the student produces a summary. Then the teacher can provide coaching and guidance working from the students summary while referencing the graphic organizer and rubric.   RTI!



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