I am looking for the easiest way to set up a RSS feed for my news/communication/announcement page for my school's website. I would like to add educational news, articles, and suggestions for parents and students. So I guess I want to set up my own RSS feed? Thanks, Teresa

Tags: Internet, RSS, education, feed, personal

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Hi Teresa,

A bit of clarification...

Do you want your school announcement page turned into an RSS feed that feedreaders (ie Google Reader) can use?

Or do you want various RSS feeds "embedded" into your announcement page (for example, you subscribe to NY Times Education feed and that feed appears on your announcement page)?
I want to create a RSS feed kind of like twitter where I can send out informative info and web links to my parents and students. Does that make sense? I am using Blogger for my announcement page right now. Does that help any?
Here's what I recommend:


It might look a bit complicated at first, but it's not too bad. Basically, yahoo pipes let you connect whatever parts of the web you like (actually, it can get more detailed...like filtering parts of the web) and then spit it out into a single output. You can then embed the output into your webpage (or in your case, blogger).

Say I want my parents to see feeds from Classroom2.0, the NYTimes Education, and Dan Myer's Blog...I'd combine all 3 feeds in Yahoo pipes, copy the code from the output, and paste it in my index page of my website (or my announcement page, or where ever parents check).

Hope that makes sense!
Yes it does make sense - thanks. I will let you know how it goes.



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