Hello Friends!

I am trying to gather data on educator's realistic impressions of RTI or MTSS (here in KS). Some of you may have experience in working with the many facets of RTI, and I am wondering how you feel about it? Is it a overly complicated system? How does your school work to incorporate it? How often do you feel yourself thinking about RTI, or is it something that is so in line with what you do already, that you don't even think about it? I'm curious to hear some opinions on it, and wouldn't mind having a discussion over it! Do you feel that computer technology has made incorporation of RTI strategies easier? 

I appreciate your feedback! Any resources about real world stories of how RTI is used would be appreciated as well!



Tags: RTI, advanced, opinions, realistic, strategies, technology

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I find RTI easy to incorporate because it is mostly the same process we have been following. The only changes to our programs are the interventions themselves. We have streamlined our interventions and have a limited "menu" of services now which makes RTI easier to use. Technology definitely makes it more seamless to use too. I have more ideas and experiences if you still need more information.




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