Help Save the Redwoods League protect the magnificent redwoods - encourage the K-12 students in your life to enter our free redwoods art contest starting on September 10, 2012!

K--12 students across the nation are invited to create a work of art that features them playing, learning or exploring in the redwoods. Their art will help Save the Redwoods League raise awareness of redwood forests. Students can draw, paint or sketch their way toward a chance to win fun and fabulous redwoods prizes while learning about the tallest and some of the oldest and largest living beings on Earth. The League's Find Me in the Redwoods art contest is a simple way to encourage America's students to have fun, connect with nature and help protect one of our country's natural wonders.

Contestants compete in the following three grade categories: K-3, 4-8 and 9-12. Winners will be announced via email and on the League's website. Winning artwork will be announced November 15, 2012, and will be showcased in League publications or featured on our website. All entries will be mailed to Ken Salazar, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Interior.

Teachers also win. Educators associated with the first-place winners will win fabulous redwood prizes. The hope is to inspire teachers to educate students about the wonders of the redwood forests.

No fee is required to enter the contest. Entry forms are available in English and Spanish. To download an entry form and learn more please visit Or email us and we'll mail you enough entry forms for your class!

All entries must be postmarked no later than October 19, 2012. Send them to Save the Redwoods League, c/o Art Contest, 114 Sansome St., Suite 1200, San Francisco, CA 94104.

Questions? Contact the Director of Outreach at or (415) 362-2352.

Tags: art, contest, contests, drawing, nature, painting, redwoods, science

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