How does your school do newsletters to parents?  We are looking for a new way to share information with our parents.  We currently send home a monthly newsletter and put a .pdf version on our website.  Are there more 21st century ways of doing this?


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Twitter, Facebook, or Edmodo may be a start for posting online info. Otherwise, you could collect parent email addresses, create a group mailing list, and email the newsletter. Why not create a free website with Weebly that is dedicated to disseminating news? It could be done on a class by class basis, or whole school
Our school sends out a newslettter email for parents, posts it on the school website, and sends snail mail to parents without computers.
Just as important (or more so) than the delivery mechanism are the content and its timeliness. E.g., getting a newsletter announcing an event that happened yesterday is always problem. Don't let the sharing method be the tail that wags the dog. Using Twitter is a great idea but is its 140 character a problem for your needs? Plus, consider how many parents have social media accounts - i.e., how many have accounts in Twitter, Facebook, etc.? Decide if you want an "opt-in" approach like a Web site where parents go to or a "push-out" approach like Twitter that is sent to those signing up for the service. Multiple communication vehicles is nice but do you have the person-power to do the extra work for doing multiple communication paths?
Thanks for all the ways you incorporate newsletters for your parents. We have schoolfusion and that should update a lot of our parents, but they either don't sign up for the emails or don't take a look at the website. We have talked about being able to send emails to parents though.

Those of you who use twitter or facebook for communicating with parents, can you tell me more about how you use it?

Check out this school's facebook page. May give you some insight.
Thanks! I'll have to check it at home as we don't have access to facebook at school!



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