Greetings Colleagues:
I am new to CR 2.0, but have been an avid user of technology in my classroom since I started teaching (again) 8 years ago. However, I am looking to get better and do more, and have volunteered to be part of a pilot group at my school exploring technology tools (Web 2.0) for teaching. If you want a little more recent background, you can look at my very short blog (linked to my profile).

I want to write an on-line textbook (only 2 chapters, really: thermodynamics and kinetics) that has the capability, within the web-site platform, to support the text itself (which ideally would have embedded video, images, screencasts), plus interactive quizzing that could provide feedback to me, a wiki for student input, perhaps audio podcasts, etc.

I've found lots of tools that can do these things (see my blog), but most them would require posting a link within my text section and having my students navigate OUT of the website platform, and I'd like to avoid that.

So far my top candidates are Ning or Weebly, perhaps WordPress (although I'm less savvy with this app).

Can any of you provide suggestions for a total-package site that can do all of these things (free or cheap, preferably)?

Thank you,

-- Doug

Tags: platform

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Have you looked in to Moodle yet? It can do all the things that you are asking for within the platform and if you want to link our you can do that too. You can go with one of the many free Moodle hosts.

We use Moodle and host it ourselves. You can start very small like we did and grow as you find the platform successful to meet your needs. It also lets you take the learning curve in bite-sized chunks. You can use the most useful tool or two the first year then next year expand into learning and utilizing a few more.

I will be giving a free Moodle for Teachers course through Learning Central if you are interested. With the training you get a sandbox course to try things out in. We don't just do an introductory session. To see the details on the sessions, held in LearnCentral's Elluminate room, just click on the events button and do a search for Moodle.
Thank you for your reply, I may join your course...

Can you provide examples of free Moodle hosts that you like/trust? I've found a few with a quick Google search but I would like some experienced reccomendations.
I haven't ever used any of the free ones personally since we host our own, but there are many instructors here that do use them. CR 2.0 Live had an introductory session on Moodle a few months ago in which there were attendees that used the free host and they text chatted a bit among themselves about them. The link to the recording is at Most of the attendees are also members here. If you look them up and post to their comment walls asking for more details, I bet they would be happy to oblige. :0)
Could I please have the link for this course? I've been playing with the iTouch app Educate which feeds in to Moodle. So I believe to use Educate in the most effective manner, I must use Moodle! I'd love to play in the sandbox!! Thanks so much!
The Moodle course is at

We will be using the LearnCentral Elluminate room for 9 live sessions. If you are interested, go to which is the LearnCentral Moodle group and click the Events tab. You will see the sessions listed on 9 consecutive Mondays and Fridays from July 27 to August 24. Click on the links in the calendar for more details, links, and RSVP. The presentations will be recorded. I will post the archive links in the Moodle course as they come available. Let me know if you have any trouble finding it. LearnCentral is still in Beta and I am still learning the system there myself. :0)



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