Seeking partners for elementary level Native American collaboration

Local Native American history is a fairly common unit in grades 2-4. Some fellow teachers in different states (CT., IL., and southern CA.) thought it would be exciting for our students to share their learning with other classes around the country. One of the primary objectives would be to compare how the natural resources and climate of an area influenced local Native American lifestyle (food, clothing, and housing, etc.).

The collaboration will be done through a wiki and we are hoping to do it during late Nov/Dec.

If you cover Native Americans and are interested in participating or if you have any questions, please leave a comment. Thanks!

Tags: collaboration, elementary, socialstudies

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Thanks Eileen! The 4th grade focus on Indiana's Native American history would be perfect, but if your 5th graders want to add to the wiki about different tribes they learn about, that would work also.
Hi Jonah! was my first day back and the students come on Wednesday. How can summer be over?

I see you have been working on the wiki. How can I help? I have never used one before so am not sure how much help I can be, but please let me know if I can do anything.

I noticed in the side bar there are folders and documents and some other icon...Will each tribe be a folder with links or how does it work?

Thanks for all the effort you are putting into this project. I think it will be great!

That sounds like a great idea and we would love to be apart also, we too are in California, (Northern) in Oakland and I would love to present this idea to our two third grade class teachers 36-40 students since they usually integrate technology into that unit anyway. I am familiar with Wikis and I love what you have created. Thank you for doing this.
It will be great to have your third grade classes participate! Even though it is a few months away, the project is growing nicely - we now have about 12 classes from around North America. Once your teachers are ready they can "request access" through the wiki and then add/edit content.
I think the first step, however, is to collaborate with the other participating teachers to define our expectations a little more. The wiki has a page called "project" where we can do that.
Thanks for the encouragement!
After experimenting with both PBworks and wikispaces, I find wikispaces easier to navigate and edit for both teachers and students. So, I have changed the wiki for the project. You can access it here.

We now have about 12 members. More are welcome!

I would definitely be interested. I'll be in touch!
I like the Wikispaces one much better. Thanks for setting it up!
I already uploaded a sample picture, and it looks like you can link to URLs and upload videos easily.

Thanks again!
The project is now up to 15 members. We welcome more, and would especially like to have participants from the southwest, northwest and northern plains area. A few classes have started already, but most are not getting underway until mid-late November so there is still plenty of time to plan or ask questions.
Hi Jonah,

I just joined Classroom 2.0.- I teach 4th grade Social Studies so I was searching the discussions on Soc. Stud. and came across your Native American project. I checked out your wiki and read all the discussion-do you still have teachers joining your collaboration? What a great project for the kids-I teach Ohio history and would love to share information about the tribes of Ohio!
Yes, teachers can join the collaboration at any time. I'll add and update some of our Connecticut content this November when we cover the unit again and the wiki will also serve as a resource for this year's students to learn from last year's class.
Hopefully the wiki can gradually grow to be a student created resource for learning about native cultures from all over North America.
If you visit the wiki and request to join, I'll be glad to add you on. If you have any questions about how to add/edit content just let me know.

Hello-thank you! Awesome-I think this a great project! I know my students will be excited to do it! Can I join now even though I'm won't start the project until school starts?



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