I'm teaching senior history and international politics in Melbourne this year. My Yr 11s are doing Twentieth Century history and my Year 12s are studying the French Revolution. My Yr 12 International Politics class are looking at globalisation and internationalism at the moment, and will move on to terrorism, foreign policy, asia-pacific region etc. We'd love to hook up to another class or twoand discuss current evernts

I'm keen to find classes anywhere in the world for my students to discuss what they are learning. Let me know if you are interested or if you know of someone who might be!

Jess McCulloch

Tags: collaboration, history, politics, revolutions

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Hey Jess-

One option might be to have a look at Rafi.ki, our not-for-profit online community. We have more than 1100 schools registered from 103 countries (including Oz). Schools from all over the world are collaborating on all sorts of projects- you might like to have a look at Roadmap to Peace. Have a look at my profile for a bit more info.

Rafi.ki will be totally free for your school, hope this all makes sense, please do drop me a line, cheers



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