I was excited to see that Classroom 2.0 is doing a webinar on Skyping!  I wanted to know if anyone out there has used the Skype for Educators that is in beta form right now.   I currently am involved in the evaluation of the tool.

I am also interested in anyone that would like to help connect their classrooms with Buckingham County students.....I have K-12!

Please let me know if you are interested....



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How is Skype for Educators different from regular Skype? 

It is in beta form, but it appears it is a way educators can sign up and network for Skyping opportunities with other classroom globally.....You can sort by profile tags (ie culture, history, guest speakers) and countries:  http://education.skype.com/

We are always looking for skype partners. I have teachers K-12 as well. Right now I have a grade 4 class that is working on letter writing. We are looking to exchange letters on a shared wiki and then follow up with a skype session. I also have a grade 2 class that has started to connect with schools to learn about each other. If you want to pair up a class, just let me know.

@ Doug, I am really interested in Skyping....When I get back I will work on a 4th grade and 2nd grade class to connect with on your topics.  I will definiately get back with you!

Thanks for your willingness!!

Hi Stephanie, that sounds great. We are open to any video conference tool. We have access to VIDYO as part of our Verizon Contract. With VIDYO we can connect to any type of video conference session. I can create a meeting and invite anyone.


The grade 4 letter writing is one that is ready to go as soon as possible. Grade 2 will be making their first connection next week.

Hi Doug!

My name is Hugo. I have a grade 6 class (grade 6 in Indonesia belongs to Primary section) that currently looking for a skype partner for their video conference. They are working on  the central idea about "Children Worldwide Face a Variety of Challenges". I do hope that our time difference is still okay for having a video conference using skype. Oh by the way, the students as well plan to have a collaborative website (I'm not sure what free websites they want to work on) with students around the world. Hope to have your reply soon. Thanks

Hi everyone,

I've been teaching students English via Skype for several lessons. But I mostly have individual lessons with video, screen sharing, etc. As for group lessons, we can only communicate in audio chats. Video often fails us.

I'm going to follow this thread and would like to participate in events, if any. :)


@ Tatyana, what grade level are you teaching English to??  Learn Central's V room might be a good tool for you in the video fails a lot with Skype.  You can share screens, have audio, chat features....and it is FREE to 3 seats...If you would like to test it out, let me know and I can invite you to my "V Room" to check out the features. 

Right now, I am looking for a MS Spanish class to work with. . .I would be MORE than happy to find an English class to do something with too!  Just let me know what grade level :)

Hi, Stephanie,

Most of my students are in the 8th. But I think it is OK, if your students are younger. Last year two of my girls tried being teachers in primary school. It was fun. Besides, not all the students are very good at English. And some of them may be shy to talk.

I also use iChat, TeamViewer, GoogleTalk for my lessons. At school we are going to test VideoMost soon. Personally, I am exploring the opportunities of a V Room at the moment. So I will be very happy, if you invite me to your V Room. 

Looking forward to hear from you,

Tatyana :)

Hi Tatyana!

My name is Hugo. I have a grade 6 class (grade 6 in Indonesia belongs to Primary section) that currently looking for a skype partner for their video conference. They are working on  the central idea about "Children Worldwide Face a Variety of Challenges". I do hope that our time difference is still okay for having a video conference using skype. Oh by the way, the students as well plan to have a collaborative website (I'm not sure what free websites they want to work on) with students around the world. Hope to have your reply soon. Thanks

Hello, Hugo!

I think it would be interesting for our students to participate in the activities.

It's my first experience of collaboration with partners from other countres, so I would appreciate your help.

Shall we teachers skype first and discuss the details?


I am a fourth grade teacher in CT and I have been using Skype with my students in a few  ways.  I have done some interviews of  poets who write specifically for children, conferred with an environmental specialist about animal tracking and nature journaling,and  interviewed an Airman from the Air Force about military life on Veteran's Day,  Last spring I even Skyped in a drama specialist during a rehearsal for a play on bullying.  She was able to see the whole rehearsal and offered some great advice.  I'm currently looking for a classroom to do some poetry sharing, and am also investigating using Skype to tap in on talents of seniors in the community.  The kids  are attentive and enthusiastic about it.  They love coming up with interesting questions to ask.  Please let me know if you have a fourth grade class interested in Skyping with us!




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