Your Name and Title: Sean Thompson, Network Administrator/ICT Specialist
School, Library, or Organization Name: Doshisha International School, Kyoto
Co-Presenter Name(s): na
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Japan
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Educators looking to form a sold basis for ICT Integration in a Social Learning based program for their schools
Short Session Description (one line):
Outline of Acceptable Usage Policy as Introduction to the Responsibility Inherent in Social Learning
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
Social learning theory informs much of the thinking behind ICT integration across the curriculum. By considering the responsibilities we share online and in the creation, remixing and sharing of our work and in all aspects of our use of online, digital media we can, from the outset, lay the foundations and understandings for our students and communities for greater safety and more advanced learning outcomes. I will introduce a free, online Acceptable Usage Agreement Teacher Assistant created with a colleague that participants are free to use or adapt for their own use. From this vantage point we will take a quick look at fair usage, remixing and project based learning.
Blog posts addressing main points will further be offered for extended reading.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
Tags: 2012SLS, Acceptable, Policies, Policy, Usage, acceptable, agreement, assistant, citizenship, copyright, More…cyber-bullying, digital, footprint, online, responsibility, seminar, teach, teacher, tool, usage
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