Hello classroom 2.0 world! My class and I are looking for a social networking site that will help us communicate about work and various questions. If this is a good site, please comment. Thanks in advance.

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Classroom 2.0 is a great site for teachers to find other teachers to collaborate with on topics or concepts. If you are looking for a social type network for the students in your class then my favorite site is Edmodo (http://www.edmodo.com/) because it is easy to set it up and students do not have to have an email address to access the site. 

I like classroom 2.0 for teachers to exchange thoughts with others. I too like http://studentscircle.net/ check it out..

Twitter might also be a good option. All you need is a common hashtag #MrsChoClass that all students use when discussing a topic. It might be a good idea to try a few options and then let your students review which one is the best. Best of luck

I have found the Thinkfinity Community to assist me with communication, collaboration, taking polls, creating documents etc.  The students have to be 13 years of age, but they can post their pictures and it is like a FaceBook for educators.  Check it out and let me know what you think. You have to join and fill out a profile, get a password etc but it is a safe enviornment with adults monitoring the site for inappropriate talk.  You set up your group and then invite your members.


I am Maryum Nisar a Teacher at Beaconhouse school System Gulshan Middle II branch Karachi Pakistan
would you and your class like to to have a Skype session with my students of grade 7. Actually in Geography we are learning Biomes of the World. I want my students to interact with students of different Biomes (tropical Rainforests, Savanna, Desert and Deciduous forest).
Kindly Help me in this regard

We are a 8th grade language arts class. If you would like to video chat with a language arts class, that would be excellent but if you would prefer to skype with a biology class, there is one across the hall that would gladly chat with your class.

I would love to have video chat with a language art class. But do you think the timings will match, I will ensure my classes presence at the time set by you. Can you mail me the details, my email is maryumnisar2000@hotmail.com

thanks a lot.


I just realized that you are correct about the time zones.  We are on Mountain Time here in AZ and it just wouldn't work.

Sorry, but let's keep thinking.



If you could give me your school's website and would consider giving me some questions to answer from your students about the Biomes, we could maybe create a video with pictures/scenes of different aspects of our Sonoran Desert.



Yes I would. Since we live in a hot desert area it would be great to chat with people who live in a similar biome across the seas. I would ask my students to create a set of questions and then mail to you. If we cannot skype we could at least make a movie of our children asking you questions and in the same way you could send us a video clip of your own.

This is going to be wonderful; talk about the 21st Century Skills of Communication and Collaboration!

  I am sure that my students will enjoy creating questions and doing a video/Smile Box on the answers to your questions.


My school is Cheyenne Traditional in Scottsdale, Arizona. The main web site is: http://susd.schoolfusion.us/  and  my classroom website is: http://raycraft.susd.cheyenne.schoolfusion.us/modules/tt/profile.ph...

I will try to collaborate/integrate with one of my science teachers.


Thank you for the opportunity and looking forward to working with you and your students.



LinkedIn is a great social networking site for professionals. I suggest you look into using that.



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