I am looking to create a digital repository for my department.  I see it as place where the members of my department can submit or find great lesson plans, worksheets, activities, etc.  Needs to have files and folders (i.e. US II or Economics).  There are about 13 members in my department and I want this to go well, seamless, etc.  Anyone have any good suggestions as far as platform to use?  I was thinking about using your standard Weebly site, but open for suggestions.  Thanks!

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I think maybe a wiki might work for you.   It would then be editable, and you can store folders on there.

The other thought--google docs if you are looking for a file repository.  You can make documents editable, share with whom you like, and access from anywhere, including a mobile device.

Agreed with Nancy's suggestions. Weebly is more of a site resource than a file repository. I would prefer Dropbox because it's easier to share entire folders and have them available on everyone's computers. It might also look more intuitive than Google Docs just because it's built into your computer's folders and not only available in the cloud.

You might also look into Live Binder. We are looking at using this site to create a curriculum notebook for each grade level LA class. We don't need it to be as edit-able as it sounds like you want yours to be, so it might not be the best bet. But check it out anyway!

Wikispaces is a cool wiki site you could use if you wanted to go that route.

Kelly Hart

You can post as much to each tab as you want - these appear as sub tabs. But unfortunately you cannot have sub tabs under those first sub tabs. So you would have to make a US History II Binder and then have tabs for each decade. Then all your resources would go under that tab for the 1950s. I'd suggest having a Binder for each class's curriculum. I hope this answers your question!

A new subtab would be needed for each file.

Here is a link to a video that might explain it better than I can!


You might try Micosoft SharePoint. We have a grade level using that in one of our school for a similar purpose you propose. They seem to like it.

Adam, Are you familiar with Moodle?



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