I am currently putting together a grant proposal to beef up the technology in our speech class room. Essentially, we are making the argument that technology can help us with assessment of each section of our Speech class (freshman level course, pre-req for all majors). Does anyone have (1) ideas for speech assessment softwar/hardware or (2) links to sources that would hook us up or (3) examples of grant proposals that were successful.
Here is what is on our wishlist so far:
Built in digital camera (something that would pick up powerpont slides)
PC that the videos upload to
Internal Networking Software (something simple like Ning we can install on our servers)
Clickers (or some technology) that students can use to provide instant, anonymous feedback
AN interface program that would connect the videos to the student feedback
This is my first post here, I searched through the forums and could not find similar posts, but I apologize in advance if there is one.
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