I'm in the midst of rolling out a more "standards-based" way of reporting grades to my high school math students and their parents. The issue I'm running in to is that it seems counterproductive. A fellow edublogger said it well here. How should formative assessments be handled when students/parents are used to all homework/assignments/projects/quizzes/tests being recorded via student information systems (i.e. PowerSchool, Infinite Campus, JMC)? I'm hoping some in the Classroom 2.0 community might have some experience in this area. Anyone?

Tags: assessment, formative, grading, standards-based

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You might have a look at Mastery Learning that Works which is a podcast of how two chemistry teachers approach a "mastery" kind of grading system. I'm working on ways to adapt their assessment techniques into my classes so that I can get away from assignment-based grades and move to learning-based grades. Keep posting your experiences as you go, since a lot of teachers are interested in what you are trying.



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