I am looking to have my students create stop-animation videos that showcase the process of meiosis. Has anyone done this, what worked, what didn't. I have access to Microsoft Movie Maker. Any suggestions or examples would be great.

Tags: animation, meiosis, movie, stop

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I have my Web Page Design students do a stop motion video before we study animation.  We use flash to put our movies together but movie maker or jaycut.com should work well for this.  Technical lessons I have learned are:


  • The more picutres you take the better your video looks.
  • You need tripods.
  • Students should finish any "scene" of the movie before they leave for the day.  It is impossible to get a camera set up in the same place two days in a row. 
  • Knock the resulution of your cameras down as far as you can.  If you have a program that can batch proccess images to the stage of your video that is best.  File sizes can get out of controll.

Good luck and let me know if you have any questions.



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