This year I am finding my 5th grade class does not have server access (long story) and there for no way to save documents, pixs, etc. So I have a few questions for those with experience in this problem:

1. What size flash drive should I recommend for students to purchase? Students need to store many documents (up to 30), ranging in size from 1-5 pages each, powerpoint presentations, pictures and some short video clips. Where is a good, cheap and/or maybe free source for students who cannot afford them?

2. Is there a website available for storage of student work, ning, blogs, etc. that someone would recommend? Keep in mind that many of these sites maybe prohibitive for 5th graders to use either because of our filters or the sites limiting younger children access.
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We had all our students buy flash drives this year for the first time , we didn't specify size but I'm sure 2 GB would store their entire life from birth to present. Most were inexpensive models but we got an Octopus and a Robot. You could check with Donors Choice to see if someone would grant them to you.
Good call on the virus issue, we are using new drives only in our Center.
Anyone can have info available anytime / anywhere today for free. Use Google docs, wikispaces, Dropbox. All free and huge. You can read about Dropbox here: Dropbox Offers Dynamic Collaboration (and Storage) for Format Inten... . Wikispaces is another fantastic source that is free for educators which you can read about here.
Another vote for Dropbox. You get 2Gb of free synced storage. The students can work on their files at home or in school, and always have the latest version of their file and have a copy saved online and on the computer. Only problem might be the email signup that is required.

I have my students use GoogleDocs. We have firewall/permission problems if they try to download office documents or pdf files from other sources but GoogleDocs is no trouble. As a plus, it also allows for collaboration on the work by sharing links among students



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