Looks like the "Presentation" Tool category is the most logical place to discuss this sort of thing, but I am surprised it doesn't have a category of it's own (since the Presentations topic seems to be rather broadly interpreted). Anyway, I think this is great a technology to tap into from an educational support perspective. There are so many tools out there that can be used to create audio-visual web based presentations which can be used to support lectures, to help in self-teaching situations, or to allow students to create fun, engaging "e-reports" for assignments. I checked out a few of these tools in a blog posting
(http://www.emergingedtech.com/?p=52) in Feburary, and plan on going back for a "deeper dive" before long, but would love to hear more from instructors who have used these. I would think there is a so much potential for fun, different kinds of approaches for presentations, both from the instruction side of things, and for creative ways to make "reports" or present class projects. So, have any of you used Vuvox, One True Media, Slideshare, or any other tools like these in instructional situations? If so, what are your observations?
Tags: Story, lecture, line, materials, presentations, reports, support, telling, time, timeline
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