There are many brands of student response systems on the market. In our area, NW Ohio the ones that seem to be used the most are TurningPoint, Senteo and the CPS. Several schools are looking at the Qwizdom SRS. Has anyone had experience with these?

Tags: SRS, audience, clickers, response, student, system

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We use the CPS radio signal ones in our 4th and 5th grade classes. I have used the infrared response pads for several years. If you are going to invest in a set I would recommend the radio signal ones as they are not dependent on the placement of the receiver. Hope this helps.
I have been using Qwizdom systems for years. Initially the Q3's which were infrared to the more recent Q4's and Q5's that are radio frequency. Now as a principal of a new small 6-12 school in NYC I have the system operating in all of my classrooms. Most recently they have come out with the Q7 presenter tablets which not only run the remotes but also function as an interactive whiteboard in your hand. To me they are the most advanced, cutting edge remotes response system out there. I would definately recommend the Q5's as they are rechargeable, and do everything from yes/no to multiple choice, numerical to fill in the blank. The gradebook and the data reporting features are one of the most powerful reasons to use the system. If you use the system properly, it gives you the ability to make data driven instructional decisions instantaneously during every lesson.
We use Qwizdom at Berea City Schools - We have a few Turning Point systems but we are going forward with Qwizdom. We also have purchased a few Q tablets (similiar) to Smart Airliners to go with the SRS.
We use the CPS system form eInstruction and I am impressed with it. You also can use them in student response mode - student can answer paper tests at their own speed. Also there is a new Mobi tablet that can be used with the clickers. You can see individual responses right away when you have one ( It works like a smartboard and student can collaborate together using the Mobi tablets- the Mobi tablet also has great software with it) Also the CPS have a "game " option. In addition I saw that eInstructions offers a computer version of the clicker. The software for the teacher cost $248.- and each license for the student's computer $38.- what is cheaper than the devices. But you can combine both, too . Also I saw an add for Aver Pen - a collaborative pen that works on all surfaces and it looks like there is an audio response option integrated. But the Aver Pen is not on the market yet. So worth to wait and see :) Aver will present the Pen at NECC, Washingthon DC on June 29. Hope that helps a little.
we will have four class sets of ipod touch in the new school year, and i am interested in the classroom response app that's available for that - i can't think right now of what it's called. am curious if anyone has any experience using that...
We have been using TurningPoint for several years now in our district (just the basic IR kits). Since it works within PowerPoint, there is less of a learning curve, especially for the less technology inclined teachers. They have added state standards which allows you another reporting category. With their TurningPoint Anywhere, you don't even have to use PowerPoint. You can poll a question from a book, written on the board, etc.
Activexpressions are tough to beat. I've used several other CRS but to my knowledge expressions are the only ones that allow a full texting keyboard- allowing for openended questions. Expressions also now run off a hub instead of the board so you can use them in a classroom with a projector and no activboard.
I never heard about the Activeexpressions and I checked out their website. Sounds like these clickers offer more visual templates for the answer options and the possibility to enter text sounds great too. How much are these clickers? Our district uses the eInstruction ones and I just plain curious about the price :)
I think around $2300-2500 for a set of 25 -32.
Thank you very much. It looks like the devices are all around the same price.
no problem. glad to help :)
I have used the Q3 and Q4 Qwizdom systems for a few years now. I use them with all levels of students. I would recomend the Q4 (RF and LCD screen) to any teacher that is looking to integrate technology into their classroom. The Qwizdom software (Connect) is easy to use. The remotes also work with PowerPoint meaning I did not have to re-make any of my presentations, I just had to add questions. The people at Qwizdom are great, they have always been available for training when needed. If you are interested, start off with a few remotes and you will quickly see their value in your classroom.



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