My school is an Enhanced Learning Environment Branch and has been facilitated with sufficient technology resources i.e. interactive whiteboards, tablets, digital camera, etc. The school encourages teachers to utilize the available resources effectively.The professional training opportunities support them to reflect back through constructive evaluation methods and by continuing to read and talk about the philosophy and principles of effective technology integration in teaching and learning . This practice is gradually developing the effective implementation of technology to enhance their practices and students learning outcomes including with special education needs.However,as a practioner ,I feel that though the element 'why' of using technology and its importance for 21st century educators and schools to be aware has been addressed through these practices to a great extent, but there aren't as many strategies that address the 'how' - that is, how I might be able to use technology to best effect in the classroom. 
What are the problems regarding embedding technologies in education setting?
What could be the barriers and their possible solutions?
Are there any solutions to encounter day to day issues in the classroom?
What could be the suitable approaches and methods to use digital technologies?.
Please discuss in detail

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I often feel like we are doing a lot of the same tasks that we would have done on paper with books.  We need to be transforming education by leveraging technology to create new experiences instead of replacement activities.  I have been looking to find tools to create asynchronous conversations (in a relatively protected system) for my rural Maine USA students to have conversations about common history and social studies topics so that they begin to have relationships with students from other places and gain the perspective that can only be achieved through global communications. 

One of the basic requirements for transforming education is to change the mind set of both teachers and parents.Most of  my colleagues although have started working with the provided technology tools through a basic ICT training.However, they feel reluctant to be creative with technology.Parents also feel comfortable to to see their children doing tasks on papers.In our school we have started a local community on Edmodo and trying to help each other at maximum to share the teaching and learning ideas.In my class ,I initiated a collaborative project on iEarn.However,I felt  that my Kindergarten students needed a lot of support to produce collaborative projects.Can you help me find a forum through which I can facilitate my students learning through international collaborative projects?

Schools are using digital devices like laptops and tablets to quickly, easily and cheaply connect students with a huge and ever-growing number of educational tools and resources and subject-matter experts over the internet. Teachers are using online networks and social media to connect with other schools and peers who can help them adapt their teaching practices to make the most of digital tools.

I am glad that it is happening there in your schools but what I feel that knowing the 21st Century students needs my organization although has provided us the necessary ICT tools but a sound action plan needs to be there through a productive integration of technology in teaching and learning can be ensured.Would you mind sharing about what could be the appropriate strategies to embed technology in the school curriculum.

I wrote out a nice long answer for you, but the last sentence gave you away. This is an assignment, isn't it?

Dear Linda,

I am trying to get connected with people out there to support me in utilizing technology productively in teaching and learning.My school curriculum although is flexible and suggests to embed technology as per the requirements of the lessons.However,does not provide any technology integration guidelines.Unlike my few colleagues ,I am very passionate about latest teaching and learning methods.However,it takes a lot of time to plan a technology embedded lesson on every day .Though I search a lot on internet about the useful tools .However,I would love to have a community through which we can share our practices of using certain tools and software appropriate to design redefined activities rather than using substitute methods. I hope through these practices my learners get benefited.

The reason of mentioning to  have a discussion in detail as  at times people do not refer their classroom practices and talk about general scenarios.

 Hi Bushra I am Ambreen Amer. I teach in an international school in Malaysia.I am a big supporter of using ICT in teaching and learning. ICT as a teaching tool has brought a tremendous change in my learners they are now more independent and confident and their attitude towards studies has also changed. 

When it comes to teaching with digital technologies, there are many challenges that must be considered by teachers - first, they need to get innovative methods in order to make learning easier and faster by implementing digital resources step by step so theory can be put into practice more effectively  Otherwise, students may get confused and not acquire as much knowledge as expected. 

Not showing students the countless great apps offered by today's smartphones may prevent them from expanding their viewpoints - that's why getting connected is so important. 

R. G. Schwingel,

Young Education Ambassador.

I second you ,initially ,I myself over ambitiously tried out a number of digital tools at a time in one lesson.However, I evaluated it and decided to go step by step.What I have started that I give a free exploration of educational apps to my students as well as  targeted  learning tasks too.It is helping me see my children's potential at the same time setting future goals too.But still it is really time taking to find suitable apps/software to embed technology with the scheme of studies.

Hello Bushra, thanks for initiating this discussion!

As for me, teaching with digital technologies is our future. Have you noticed the wide-spread adoption of online and distance education? MOOCs like Coursera, edx, CodeAcademy and resources like Khan Academy have been changing the whole education system.

There are many schools in the US that implemented a blended learning model, and it works fine for the students and teachers.

What are the main problems in technology integration?

I believe one of them is that not all educators are tech-savvy. Many of them need additional instruction provided by ICT implementation and education specialists. Requirements to modern educators are rising. You can read this article to have an idea what is expected from modern teachers: Besides, there is an amazing section on Edutopia, which is all about technology integration: (As you can notice, there's a lot of information on approaches and methods of implementation technology in modern classrooms). It seems that many teachers would be interested to check these resources.

Of course, there're plenty of other barriers like student/teacher communication, cost of technology, decision-making process of choosing the right technology (usually, teachers don't choose what education tools they will use in the whole district, these decisions are made by Local school boards. In other countries than the US, the situation could be different, of course.). But it's the topic for a whole article!

Not every school has enough funding to use the latest education technologies, so if you have this opportunity in your school, please use it wisely.

Schools have iPads and are rolling out 1:1 programs because it's a trend. Everyone else is doing it! Schools then spend PD time training their teachers how to use the laptop, how to use the programs that are on the laptop and how you might use a program with students. But very few schools push teachers to look deeper at their own practice. We need to adapt our teaching! We need to teach in new ways with new tools. But why are schools not asking our teachers to grab the bull by the horns?  
Easy; because we don't want to upset them. We want the 1:1 program to work and because we don't give teachers the time make it a priority to have them go deep in their own understanding of the changed leanring landscape. Schools don't like to make their teachers uncomfortable, because it makes them uncomfortable, because it's hard. But as the paper writing service expert points out, if you are going to change your practice you need to get uncomfortable. 



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