I am putting together a proposal to offer a Tech Club at my school next Fall. My thoughts are to incorporate project-based learning, thematic unit studies, meaningful writing components, and web 2.0 tools.
1. What grade level would you recommend would be best? I have access to K-12 students at our charter school.
2. How often should we meet? Twice a month? Weekly?
3. I'm considering having students "apply" for the program. Anyone taken this approach?
4. Have you written a proposal or description that you'd be willing to share?
5. Have you written your own lessons and outline or used an existing curriculum?
If you have already organized something like this, I would appreciate your reply so we can learn from you.
If you are considering starting a similar club, leave a message here if you would like to possibly collaborate and share ideas.
Thank you for your time!!
Creative Commons Photo Attribution: Starbucks Mocha Grande, by tskdesign
Tags: after_school_club, tech_club, technology, web2.0
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