Name and Title: Linda Rush - Technology Integration Specialist
School: Notre Dame School of Dallas
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Texas, USA
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Teachers, support staffs, language therapists and parents

Short Session Description: Technology can help students with reading, articulation, language and communication issues using the text to speech features and voice over available on the iPad.

Full Session Description:

      The iPad has become an important tool in teaching and as a communicating device for students - Augmented Alternative Communication (AAC). These devices are capturing educators attention and intrigue students with learning differences. Devices designed for those with communication disabilities can cost thousands of dollars. Text to speech (TTS) tools provide access for struggling readers to support decoding, vocabulary and comprehension skills.

      The iPad enables greater levels of independence, it is motivating and it is engaging. The devices also provides students with an enhanced environment of inclusion because they are using a tool their peers use as well. My session will demonstrate the text to speech features of the iPad. I will review ways to create and use karaoke, photo talking apps, web browser for showing flash, apps for reading pdf and epud, talking teleprompter, apps for digital storytelling, Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) apps and Apple voice over functionality.

Websites Associated with Your Session:

Tags: 2012SLS, AAC, TTS, iPads, language, speech

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While technically not about social media and Web 2.0, I think you'll have an audience for this session.  You will want to attend one of the trainings (being announced today) or watch a recording in order to make sure you can these features in the Blackboard Collaborate environment.  Cheers!



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