Time: April 21, 2012 from 2:30pm to 3pm
Location: Webinar
Website or Map: http://globallearningframewor…
REGISTRATION LINK: https://sas.elluminate.com/d.jnlp?sid=2008350&password=SLS12Part73
Your Name and Title: Richard C. Close Servant - CEO
School, Library, or Organization Name: Chrysalis Campaign, Inc.
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: US Adult Learning Africa
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Educators, NGO Leaders, Students, IT Curriculum Developers.
Short Session Description (one line): The Birth of Social Flash Learning™ in the Global Collaborative
and The Global Learning Framework™
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
Understanding how the contextual dynamics of social learning is dramatically different than classroom based indexed learning is mission critical for educators to grasp. In order for us to understanding the widen gap between classroom instruction and youth’s experience of life we must master how social learning is a contextual and not factual strategy. This session outlines the process differences between factual and contextual learning and its impact on institutionalized classroom education as we know it.
In the same way that dictators are waking up to flash protests and are shocked at how an entire nation can overthrow an authoritarian trickle down knowledge structure in days, global collaborative learning is overthrowing traditional academics. Educators need to take notice that the same revolution of human-technology is taking place with students that have challenged the relevance of learning-in-a-box-facts that is dysfunctional with our youth’s reality as a global collaborative.
While a classroom of students in a traditional classroom wade through indexed text books chapter by chapter in order to pass Friday’s test, a torrent of knowledge is streaming past and through them in their cell phones. While the teacher at the head of class has a one way channel of dumping facts into empty buckets, billions of people outside the classroom walls are exchanging terabits of fluid knowledge in collaborative communities. As students look into their two year old history books, they reflect on CNN’s real time reporting of Middle East revolutions. Shaking their heads, they know the school does not get it. And after leaving the classroom bubble, the child hangs out during recess with friends, opens up his phone and once again unites himself with the global collaborative. We need to be aware of this revolution because resistance is futile.
The entrenchment of colonial/industrial education is when a superior/expert group imparts their knowledge down into the working classes/cultures. Democracy in Education has the masses fully empowered to explore, create and share knowledge on equal footing between students, the same way billions of people typically use the Web today. The disconnectedness between these two approaches of learning is vast, wide and now becoming antagonistic.
We will use the UNESCO PPN seeded “I am Africa. This is my story…” social community and curriculum from a US Rescue Mission as background for this session. Information on the Global Learning Framework.
Flash Learning and Global Learning Framework are the copyright of Richard C. Close 2009 -2012
Tags: 2012SLS, Chrysalis Campaign, Flash learning, Global Learning Framework, Poverty, Richard C Close, social
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