I've been trying out some ideas in my classroom to fully integrate technology and limit the use of paper. I' ve had great success with unitedstreaming.com and using different web 2.0 for final project presentations. I feel that there is so much more out there on this concept of a paperless classroom and I don't want to limit myself. So, is there anyone out there exploring this paperless classroom concept who would like to share ideas?

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Using podcasts, forums for discussions, schooltube, cell technologies, simple audio and video tools such as moviemaker or photostory, google docs (we use this all of the time), building wiki's for information, and survey or test tools (such as: Zoomerang, Doodle Poll) that are online can help you become more paperless.
Those are some great sites. I just finished watching a pod cast on project based learning based using mobile devices. It was by Tony Vincent. It was called project based learning in hand. He introduced some really great apps.

What a great site...with terrific ideas on how to use mobile devices...one thing to remmber is that you have to have the infrastructure  in place to store the massive growth of technological programs (video's, etc)

A school needs the adminstrators, parents, teachers, students, and the business community working together to get the job done. It cannot be one teacher, but the commitment of many to do make this change. Schedules, inservices, projects, the full support of the educational and school community is essential in organizing this type of change.

I came across a great online test maker.  It is very easy and requires no registration. (Plus, it's FREE!)  I just wrote about it in my blog. http://talkingtechwithrobin.blogspot.com/2010/12/testmoz.html

Let me know what you think. 

Thanks, ronin. I will go try it out and let you know
Quia is another great resource for testing...http://www.quia.com/web

This blog is an interesting read for paperless classrooms--



I teach fifth grade and have been trying to become paperless, but still have a ways to go, particularly in math.  It's that "Show your work" thing that's getting me most...but also, its the gravity of using premade worksheets/activities that can't easily (quickly) be made into an online activity.  I have been using edu20.org for my learning portal, and that has helped a good deal with online assignments and online tests/quizzes, discussions.


Good luck

5th grade also. Yes, I found math to be the tough one for paperless as well. I do pretty good with science and was very successful for reading and writing. Our schools website has been a good portal for blogging and I recently discovered the classroom section of unitedstreaming.com. Thanks for the blog. Will be reading it.
You can display worksheets on the interactive boards and students can write on them
Check out Free technology for teachers at http://www.freetech4teachers.com/ - great ideas and resources to integrate technology into classrooms and limit the use of paper :)
Thanks, Dan.
I found this article helpful. Microblogs can help engage students to participate in discussions and also give them hands-on practice with writing.

50 ways to use Twitter in the classroom:



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