As Hurston opens the novel, she provides the reader insight on the

differences of men & women.  She also gives enough information on

the main character between chapters 1 and10 to allow us a

window to her struggle and the basis for her journey throughout the

novel.  We learn Janie's upbringing, her thoughts and some of her

crsis'.  It is obvious that she has been seeking something since

Hurston introduced us to her in chapter one. 

In your opinion, why is it important that she finds what she is

looking for? Although tradition has shown to be an intricate part of

the Janie's life, discuss how this tradition has affected her and how

the lack of tradition, upon Jody's illness- and later death, becomes

empowering for Janie in her quest for freedom and understanding of

self. Consider the condemnation that may take place by those in

Eatonville and it's relevance to her struggle.  Feel free to discuss your

personal views (supporting or negating); but you must provide

evidence to support your claim.   

In compiling your response, consider what Janie thought would

make her happy versus the changes that have taken place between

chapters 9 and 10. Provide an intellectual response that can be

supported by the text.  Remember all answers are to be written in

complete sentences. 




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Did all of the men she married have anything to do with her being unhappy or was it her? Explain your answer. Be careful considering that you have pointed out that you havent read.
I think the man had somewhat to do with it in a way.
Being one of the few people who only read a few chaprters, i gathered that it's important to find what you're looking for because there is an emptiness that needs to be filled. Like a person wanting to find thier biological parent, if they never find their parent then there wil be an eternal longing.
You have made a great point how does this example tie into Janie and what she is looking for? Explain what the tradition is in her past. Explain why the relationship with her and Jody is what it is.
First, when she was married to Jody, she had no freedom. So now that Janie has divorced him, she became a little more free without him. Teacake let her be open minded and he didn't treat her like a dog.He still wasn't the love she was looking for because he kept her locked away in the store all day. Therefore, when he died she felt like she was free and came back to where it all started to maybe renew her path and start over with a new pathway in life.
How and why was the lack of freedom a tradition for Janie?
the thing that would make janie happy is that she could find someone that she love instead of some one that controlls her
Janie is seeking love she is also looking for a man that is trying or is seeking his dream because it says in chapter one ships at distance have every man's wish on board. this statement means that every man has a dream but all he have to do is look and reach for it.
This answer is not based on chapters 1-10, rather chapter 1 through 3. You are going to have to read a little more sir.



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