Please post your thoughts about MLK Jr. Day and what your schools are doing to commemorate.
Although there are many MLK resource sites for teachers, I thought I'd add a few other more non-traditional ones.
Here are some blog posts to kick this off:
Martin Luther King Jr. Day - what would MLK Jr. think about Race to the Top? Listen to his words about education from 1964 in a speech to the United Federation of Teachers accepting the John Dewey award.
If You Really Want to Honor Dr. King… - What was the real significance of the "I have a dream" speech and why do we only recall part of it now?
2010 MLK Day Technology Challenge with a twist - ask not what techies can do for you, but what your techie students can do for others.
“Do’s And Don’ts” For MLK Day & Black History Month - from the Teaching Tolerance site
Tags: King, Luther, MLK, Martin, RT3, RTTT, black, history, learning, race, More…service-learning
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