What's the best free application you've found that students can use to create a timeline?  I'm so frustrated!  The ones I've tried either do so little as to make them useless or I find I'm just getting a peek but have to pay to really get anything useful.  So many amazing applications are out there - I know there must be something that I'm just missing. 

I'd love to have one of those 3D programs, but that's not in the budget at the moment.  It would be nice to at least be able to insert pictures.  At the moment my Intro to the Humanities students need it, but this comes up in my various English classes as well.

Any tips?  Thanks!  Terri

Tags: applications, free, line, new applications, new programs, software, time, timeline

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I am going to use timerime and it seems it is intuitive and adequate but my students will only start next week ...
Thanks! I'll take a look at it!
I second TimeRime, especially if you are looking to create student accounts. I also found Capzles to be a nice site... http://cyber-kap.blogspot.com/2009/04/capzles.html

TimeGlider shows some promise too... http://timeglider.com/
I'd not heard of any of these - I'm checking them all and passing them on to my cohorts!
Thanks for the www.timeglider site! It is incredible. I am passing it on to content teachers with ELLs in their mainstream classes as a means of making topics more accessible to them.


Prezi.com is the only timeline maker I've found that interests me at all and it isn't even a timeline maker. My problem with things like timerime is that they are so basic that I don't see a point to it. Students might as well make them in word/publisher if that is the case.

Prezi lets the user dictate the order things come up in the timeline and looks great doing so. It can embed both photos and video and is quite easy to use now. They just redid their interface last week and it went from being something I'd never use to something I'm in love with.
That sounds great; I can put this off in Humanities until Monday so that I have time to play with it over the weekend. Of course, I could likely turn my students loose on it and they'd figure it out in no time!

Thanks for the info!
I like Dipity.
Related, here's a wiki of timelines produced elsewhere. (May need some lovin.)
WOW! I could spend the day there!
Dipity is Great! I really love using it! The kids do also!



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