It may well be so, Nancy (but I've still a few years to serve out!). Aims first, then process and tools to achieve the aims.
When we're tool-centred, the glitter can fool us that the tool is important. Indeed, the prevalence of the tool can lead to a desperate attempt to include a popular tool which may not be very appropriate. For example: "iPods" can be very helpful - but is that how we use them or allow their use?
I remember a friend of mine once (many years ago) gave a children's talk on tools. He showed how you could use a cassette recorder to hammer a nail. It got the job done -once!, but very inefficiently, and it ruined the recorder!
Ian, still laughing. One thing I've found over the last few years as I share some Web 2.0 tools with kids and try to integrate them into curriculum---usage of some applications is ridiculously time consuming for little return. Also my kids bore of stuff easily--one Voki avatar or Animoto video was fine but nobody is breaking down the door to do it again.
Regarding the off topic discussion on multitasking....
I teach video production to elementary school students. In order to produce a good video within a short time period, one of the skills students need to learn is how to multitask.
Example: Check out the video interview a group of 5th graders did with Ardith Cole, a teacher and author, less than 24 hours ago on my profile or twitter feed.
Some students are able to multitask and others are not.
Twitter is an excellent tool for individuals to use to connect and stay connected in our digital age.