Last week I visited a school in which an elementary class dedicated some time to practicing their typing skills. The program they were using was an online program that allowed them to assess their learning based on how many words per minute they typed. Does anyone know of any good online typing instructors?    

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Replies to This Discussion  Have you seen Beth Newingham's "Typing Camp"? I'd say it's a crash course in keyboarding. She teaches 3rd.
Our school subscribes to TypingPAL online

It assesses learning based on how many words per minute typed as you mentioned. I'm not sure how much the school subscription was, but it has, in my opinion, been a worthwhile investment for our Grade 3 to 5 students. (Individual subscription prices are listed on the site).

When I had my 4th graders blog, we used Dance Mat Typing for an hour a week for a month. By the end of the month, most of the kids could type as fast as they could write with a pencil. Students loved the program, which is set up more like a game, and they often asked to stay after class to continue using it. The program is web-based, is fun, and is FREE. It's available through the BBC's website. I highly recommend it.


Good luck!


Katy Scott

Stretch Your Digital Dollar

Fantastic! Thank you, very much.

Typing Web is the best free online typing software.  I love it and we use it in my 6th Grade Class.

I did not have to do this in elementary, but I did take a class like this in high school and it helped my typing immensely. You  should try Rapid Typing Zone, it is a free download that has typing software, games, tests, and techniques.



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