"Under the Sound" is an ingenious title for this video. I love how the video allows the young boy in the film, as well as the viewer of the film, to make the connection that "the sound" is not only noise, or lack of it; but also a body of water - Peugot Sound. I was intrigued by the title from the start and I wasn't disappointed. The video made its point beautifully and succinctly. "The Sound" is not an entity separate from our entire ecosystem. "Under the Sound" is both a "world" beneath the water and a world beneath "the sound" of what we humans can actually hear going on during our day. We often make distinctions between: city / forest / ocean / farmland / home / mountains, dessert...etc. This video removes the disconnect we often feel from our "natural" environment. Anything that can help bring humans together in thinking of our planet as our home and in thinking that we are all "one" is very powerful. This video does a great job in starting that thinking process. As icing on the cake - the photography is lovely and the film editing is nicely done. Great job.
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