February 14, 2009 chat URLs - compliled by elptuxman

Neil Stephenson: @bryan.. I found it cool to record our skype conferences.  I have used http://www.ecamm.com/mac/callrecorder/

Neil Stephenson: @maureen - I'm sure there are - I haven't looked.  Trying Googling "skype recorder for pc"

davidcosand: http://www.tokbox.com/ is another free multisite video conferencing tool.

durff: CallGraph?

April Chamberlain: PowerGramo is free to record the audio from Skype

JoNelle: use SMARTBoard recoding to record Skype?

Bryan Hughes: Call Recorder: $30.95 for a 3 license pack - pretty good

Neil Stephenson: I have found that many people are willing to chat with students - and Skype is such an easy program to walk people through.  http://www.ecamm.com/mac/callrecorder/

Moderator (Lorna): will be stored in the http://live.classroom.ca archives

Shamblesguru 2: Brian .... free Skype recorders ... see some on the list at http://www.shambles.net/pages/staff/voiceip/  (sorry for the repeat)

Ian Nairn: www.elluminate.com/vroom

kapil 1: there are lot of plugins that you can plug with skype for application sharing, whiteboard ,recording etc. ="https://extras.skype.com/907/view">https://extras.skype.com/907/view

Thomas - Atlanta: Elluminate is free for 1 year at http://www.elluminate.com/k12/

Neil Stephenson: I recently used Skype to teach a lesson at another school - and used Voicethread to share video at the same time. http://thinkinginmind.blogspot.com/2009/01/teaching-over-skype-resu...

gnoack: Skype Conference Call limit is 24 people.  http://support.skype.com/en_US/faq/FA92/How-do-I-make-a-conference-...

dsawyer33: @JohnB Try http://live.classroom20.com/

Noble: has anyone used flashmeeting? http://flashmeeting.e2bn.net/

kapil 1: http://skypeinschools.pbwiki.com/ , a great wiki for use of skype in schools

ellen pham: http://www.scribblar.com/

Shamblesguru 2: ooVoo http://www.oovoo.com/ ooVoo (Skype look-a-like but allows 6 people on video)

Moderator (Wesley Fryer): Here is the CILC collaboration room: http://www.cilc.org/c/community/collaboration_center.aspx

kapil 1: some ideas on use of skype in classroom in this wiki http://technologypd.pbwiki.com/Skype+in+Education

Moderator (Wesley Fryer): Here is Tammy Parks' Broadcast Journalism 2.0 project (Collaboration 2.0) project using Skype to bring in virtual guest speakers to her class: http://www.cilc.org/search/collaboration.aspx?id=467

Jackiegerstein: @kapil 1 - http://skypeinschools.pbwiki.com/ seems like a good resource - maybe teachers will add their projects to this wiki

Shamblesguru 2: Didn;t know about www.scribblar.com/ ... thanks

ellen pham: http://eflclassroom.com/scribblar.html

dreambition/brad: @Jackie/Wes  yes we need to spread the word about http://skypeinschools.pbwiki.com/ so that it can become a robust directory and teachers will be able to connect with others more easily

Moderator (kim caise): http://lisaslingo.blogspot.com/2008/03/best-day-ever.html

Moderator (kim caise): http://www.sharetabs.com/?classroom20live02142009

Neil Stephenson: @wes - I want to share my success: http://thinkinginmind.blogspot.com/2009/02/skype-with-sheldon.html

Thomas - Atlanta: Used skype to have Middle School students talk to a group of teachers on their PD day about their Archetype project http://tullocharchetypes.ning.com/

Moderator (kim caise): http://www.sharetabs.com/?classroom20live02142009

Moderator (Wesley Fryer): @Ed Bujak: You are right Ed, leadership is a big issue - Scott McLeod's resources for leaders are on the right track http://www.dangerouslyirrelevant.org/

Neil Stephenson: @durff.. Sorry - i ahred this link already: http://thinkinginmind.blogspot.com/2009/02/skype-with-sheldon.html

joedale: You can run Skype from a USB device which means you can use it on any machine which is online. See link: http://joedale.typepad.com/integrating_ict_into_the_/2008/07/record...

Moderator (Wesley Fryer): @Sean I think the name is ITSC - I will be there Sun night - Wed morning - http://itsc.oetc.org/facilitators.php

Deb: FYI we started a Joomla users group in New Hampshire http://joomlanh.ning.com

Sean: will you only be here for the oetc event? or will you be there for href="http://tinyurl.com/6odzr7">http://tinyurl.com/6odzr7

joedale: http://joedale.typepad.com/integrating_ict_into_the_/2008/07/record...

dsawyer33: Kim Cofino's blog http://mscofino.edublogs.org/

Moderator (Peggy George): Yes our show is on every Saturday, same time. You can see the shows, archives and calendar here. http://live.classroom20.com

Moderator (kim caise): http://live.classroom20.com/index.html

Neil Stephenson: Please check out my blog for ideas- I have used Skype in a number of ways.. http://thinkinginmind.blogspot.com/

Moderator (Wesley Fryer): If anyone (April included) would like to share a story about using skype in your classroom, you can email it to me and I'll share it as a guest post on ISTE's NECC blog: href="http://isteconnects.org">http://isteconnects.org

Moderator (kim caise): href="http://voicethread.com/#u2530.b319254.i1691371">http://voicethread.com/#u2530.b319254.i1691371

Moderator (Wesley Fryer): http://live.classroom20.com I think

Moderator (kim caise): http://www.clicktools.com/survey?iv=b611e8427135073

Shamblesguru 2: Ahhhh .. typo http://ncteacheracademy.pbwiki.com/

Moderator (Wesley Fryer): here is the direct link to Brian Crosby's "Inclusion" video about Celeste skyping into his classroom - http://www.arisleyschool.org/Inclusion.mov

Moderator (Wesley Fryer): This is Brian Crosby's blog "Learning is Messy" - http://learningismessy.com/blog/

Neil Stephenson: http://thinkinginmind.blogspot.com/

Moderator (Wesley Fryer): @Peggy will the recording link be on http://live.classroom20.com ?

Tags: collaboration

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Hey I missed the live meeting today. When do these events get posted to the archive? Thanks.
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Thanks! Peggy Sheehy
mmm...nice advice, as for me I use for recording Skype sessions SkypeCap



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