I'm using Google Docs to do rubrics with my students on their problem based learning projects, sort of a hybrid between project based and problem based.  What I'm wondering is this:

For each student I grade, I have to make a copy of the rubric, put their name on it, then share the link with them via our class website so they can view their write up.  Is there an easier way to do this?  I was thinking of using a Form, but that deposits the info into the spreadsheet and I don't want to share the info with their colleagues.  Any suggestions would be helpful, thanks.


The current rubric I use can be viewed HERE

Tags: assessment, docs

Views: 357

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Why don't you have students access the Doc via the link and have them make a copy and then make you the Owner.

If you had them fill out the information in a  Form, they would not see the spreadsheet that it populates. It would be private to you.

I would suggest uploading your rubric as a template.  Students then could access the template via google docs, then share (with edit privileges)  with your email address.  Only they would see your comments.

Where is the work you are assessing?

  • If it is in a Google Doc that the student has submitted to you (we use shared folders/collections to manage this process), then I train my teachers to paste the blank rubric at the bottom of the students work and fill it out in the doc itself. )  
  • If not, I think the most efficient route would be to paste the blank rubric into an email to the student.

(In general, I try to tell people that you should use an email if it's just a one-way, information delivering type of thing (like this), and use a google doc if the task requires collaboration, feedback, or ongoing use - it's easy to get overwhelmed with too many docs!)





Great challenge- i would have gone for a form- but realize your challenger. looking forward for an answer

Do you only have one doc for each student or could a student have multiple docs? Do your students have email? Do I understand correctly that your students do not complete anything in the doc....just view the comments you have provided?

Some really good ideas.  I like the template idea, and that could just be built right into the process. 


@Allison: they are creating e-Portfolios and Wikis in our LMS, which we use Haiku by the way and IMHO is the best around.  so I access their materials then fill in the doc, which I then share with them via linkage through the LMS e-mail. 


@Scott: Yes, they simply read the doc and my comments, but then comment back to me why they think they should get a different score, etc.   Students do end up with multiple docs as they have 3 projects that get assessed, and they do have e-mail. 

Have you tried Flubaroo?http://www.flubaroo.com/

Love Flubaroo!


@Dan - We are looking into Haiku - I just contacted them for a quote right now!  We've gotten by ok with just Google Apps (no LMS) for about 3 years, but now we've developed a need for the personalization/management features of an LMS.  Also was looking at Instructure Canvas, but they won't sell overseas yet (I liked their built in Rubrics for assessment - no downloading/opening/reuploading for teachers)





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