(Primary/Elementary favourite websites)



Hi, have you used 'Delicious' http://www.delicious.com/ or Bagtheweb http://bagtheweb.com/. I use these all the time to place my favourite websites in. Delicious is clustered.

'Curate Web content to make your own topic bags. Publish and share your expertise. Bagging is teaching and learning'. (from bag the web).


My favourite to put my favourites in is Bag The Web. There are some great Education Bags out there http://bagtheweb.com/edu.

Go check these out.


My bag is http://bagtheweb.com/u/jennynz/bags. You can have followers, you can follow other bags, people can link to your bag, you can use hashtags a bit like Twitter. You also have a counter on how many people have viewed your bag.


Was wondering if there are any other similar sites others use.



Tags: Curate, Favourite, web, websites

Views: 256

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I actually like Diigo because I can highlight text on a site I want to remember, capture screen shots with a click of a button, share with specific groups (which I use with my different high school classes. They can add to the group as well, so we have a collected library of relevant links for topics like Current Events."

Thanks for posting, I must check this site out.

I prefer Diigo here, enough to pay for the premium account.  

Another Diigo fan here - I like the list facility. I also like the fact that educators can set up accounts for students under 13.

Always wanting a backup plan my Diigo bookmarks are sent automatically to Delicious and using IFTTT they also go straight to Evernote - I'm so backed up!

For sharing I have used both shared Evernote notebooks and Diigo lists - trying to decide which is best!

I have also used Livebinders.

eg see My Mathematics Posters post which links to a list of sites with free Mathematics posters - I have provided a Diigo list and an Evernote notebook.

Something which concerns me is how long will sites last - I like the fact that Evernote has millions of users!

Diigo is my favorite also-- I have the education teacher account to use with students. I didn't know I could back up to Evernote. I'll have to try that. Any tips on setting that up?  Sheri

Sheri I use  IFTTT to achieve Diigo to Evernote. My recipe



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