I would like to show YouTube videos in my classroom but YouTube is blocked at my school. I've tried copying the code into my wiki but it still shows up blocked. Any suggestions on how I can copy the video to place either in a wiki, blog, or website to show to my class?
Further to all these great download suggestions, downloading videos for use in the classroom is always preferable to ensure that you do not suffer any buffering problems mid-lesson. There is nothing more frustrating then having your students wait for your fantastic video to finishing loading because you accidentally refreshed your browser etc.!
Ps. I use Zamzar.com all the time from Hanoi and it always works super fast and am always happy with the results.
I'm afraid I don't have any suggestions, except to plead your case to your IT department and see if you can get permission for embedded videos. It's possible that they're blocking all streaming video (not just YouTube) on the basis that it eats up too much bandwidth. I had that problem at a school I worked at, and it prevented me from using a popular online learning program for adult English learners called English for All.
If you get any good ideas or suggestions, please make sure to post them here. I would sure love to know if there's a way around this problem. (I just blogged about this the other day at http://literacytechmn.blogspot.com.)
United Streaming from Discovery Channel offers thousands of great videos.
www.zamzar.com allows you to download youtube videos at your "home" computer that has access to YouTube and you can email it in a .avi or .wmv format to your school workstation.
I finally gave up on TeacherTube. The site is unpredictable, filled with adds, and slow, which is a shame. SchoolTube.com has the same concept but is much more reliable, cleaner (very few adds), and faster.
I dragged the little rectangle at the bottom up to my links bar. It works great. Just remember to rename your video and add .mp4 to the file title before you save it.
This came up in the Classroom 2.0 session on Elluminate this past Saturday. It is available for viewing in the archives of Classroom 2.0 Live http://live.classroom20.com/archive.html
Good luck!
Having always used downloaders or pwnyoutube to capture the video in the past, it's been pointed out to me that any downloading of a Youtube video is a breach of their Terms & Conditions as stated on their site.
They only allow embedding. Do schools just ignore this and carry on regardless?
This is a big problem for me as well. Unfortunately, the way YouTube URL's are coded makes unblocking a specific video very difficult. I hope that The folks at Google realize the market they are loosing and adjust the structure of their site. They really need to do something like iTunes and create a K-12 filtered section. They're on their way with the creation of the YouTube.com/edu section. Now they need a K-12 section.
You just need to download the video from youtube beforehand. As for how to download the video, you can google " youtube video downloader" or relating phrases. There are lots of solutions. Good luck!