Help! We are using laptops in our science project. I thought we could save our student-created videos to our school network- not, only to the laptops we are using to make the videos. The laptops get rotated around the school on carts on a reservation-basis. Students cannot be guaranteed the same laptop each day. Does anyone know a good way to easily edit and save student videos on the web? Other than You Tube? I have 62 students, so about 30 videos altogether. Any suggestions will be appreciated!! Can you tell I'm a newbie?

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I'm not sure about editing, but I have my students upload their finished products to Vimeo - it's easy to apply a password to the video (more privacy than YouTube) and you can make a group that they can all join so it's easy to locate their videos.

An actual online video editor is Jaycut but I've never used it.. Might be better to save media and project files on a large-ish flash drive?
Thanks- I am checking that out now and sending it to our technology coordinator. How would you rate it on a scale from 1-10? What problems have you had to solve? What do you teach? Yes, we are considering a flash drive, but my students lose things...
it's been pretty painless so far actually -the free account has a weekly upload size limit so it's better for shorter clips (no full-length movies...). I set up a "TeacherTube" mysite account earlier in the year, but found it did NOT have the ability to password protect videos (which i find is the easiest for maintaining privacy while still being easy to share with anyone you want).

I am the tech integration coach in our middle school and I teach a few tech electives for grades 7-8. My colleagues in Elem and HS are using it as well for their students' projects.

I know one of our 5th grade teachers keeps all her kids' flash drives in a basket that stays in the classroom.
Sound like the ticket for sharing. I set up an account and we will check it out this week!! I will be back with more questions- I am sure! Thanks! is a great site.



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