Hello everyone! I am looking for a website where I can upload student projects so they can be viewed that will allow me to regulate who can access it. I know you can do this with YouTube, but some of the videos I have just received for my students' final project are larger files than what YouTube allows.
Try Vimeo.com - it's free and allows even HD videos. The formats they can upload are - we like MP4 the best, we will generally accept any of the following formats: 3g2, 3gp, 3gp2, 3gpp, asf, asx, avi, divx, mts, m2t, m2ts, m2v, m4v, mkv, mov, mp4, mpe, mpeg, mpg, ogg, wmv.
OK, I tried to go to Vimeo and it came up on our filter as "ADULT". I'll take a look at it from home tonight and see if there is any shot at getting it re-categorized.
About Vimeo... I'm looking to create a channel for our district where teachers can easily upload student-created videos to share and embed on their blogs or wikis. I'd like multiple teachers to have the ability to share videos to the site. I noticed that Vimeo has both a "channel" and a "group" option. Do any of you know whether a channel or group would be better for what I'm trying to do?
Google Sites has a "File Page Template", you can also control who has access to the site. But it will not play your videos online, they would have to open them with media players.
I set up a WordPress blog with Page protection to restrict access. I then used a (free) Dropbox account to house all the content and linked to it from the WordPress blog. Quick and easy!