I am introducing my 2nd graders to wiki's by putting together a virtual Flat Stanley Wiki Page. we are looking for schools that would like to add a page to our wiki showing Flat Stanley in your school. Your students would be able to upload pictures of your school or classroom and tell about the area, climate and culture of your city state and area. You would be able share whaever you think Stanley would like to.

If this is too much work you could also just send Stanley an email invitation to your school and then Stanley could put together a travel plan to virtually visit your school.

Here is the Wiki site we are setting up http://sapflatstanley.pbwiki.com
Please let me knwif you are interested

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Flat Stanley has been to Arizona, North Carolina and Kansas- Can Stanley visit your classroom??? Please help my students take Stanley on a virtual field Trip.
Are you sending us a flat stanley? Are we suppose to send one to you? Where do you want us to answer the latest questions? N from OP Ks.
I posted your email response on the Kansas page. Any thing you want to add to the page you and your class gets to decide)
OK, we'll see what we can do.

Flat Stanley in Bulgaria 



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