Hi everyone I am an educator from New South Wales, Australia and am in the process of organising a five week study tour to Amercia and Canada in Nov/Dec this year on the topic of Virtual Schooling and online learning.
The questions I am looking to answer whilst on my study tour are as follows:
1. Organisation and functioning of a virtual school.
2. Identify the professional learning needs of teachers if they are to be effective in an online learning environment.
3. Identify the most effective instructional design and instructional processes in an online learning environment.
4. Pedagogical implications of the availability of online learning management systems.
At this stage I intend on coming to the Virtual School Symposium in Texas in November this year and then staying on for 4 weeks to visit schools. I have the funding to travel across America and also Canada. If anyone would be able to guide me in terms of what schools/programs to visit it would be appreciated. Obviously the idea is to visit best practice schools/programs and then take this information back to our education system in Australia.
I can be contacted via this forum or stacey.kelly1@det.nsw.edu.au.
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