I am new to all of this!  I am currently taking classes towards my Master's in Administration and found out about Classroom 2.0.  I teach 3rd grade in a rural school district in north Missouri.  After reading some other posts and discussions on here, I find myself behing way behind with everything technology wise.  I would love to incorportate more technology into my classroom.  I have 22 students and one computer.  We do have an interactive Smartboard and an Elmo so that has helped tremendously.  Other than games for the Smartboard, is there any other recommendations anyone could/would make on how to get me (and my class) caught up with the times?  Thanks so much!!

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I would recommend looking through some of Tom Barrett's "Interesting Ways" series.  Towards the bottom of the list you'll see "Interactive Whiteboards".  Anyway, I think that Classroom 2.0 is a good place to start learning.  Welcome!



Thank you! I appreciate it!

Build you PLN...Get on Twitter now!  Follow @gcouros, @rmbyrne, and @bhsprincipal to begin with. George Couros is an elementary principal so you should like him.  From there, see who they are following and you will find your way.  You can follow me at @volumeoflogic. 

You will get loads of valuable articles, blogs, and many new fresh ideas about integrating edtech into classrooms.


Thank you, thank you! I took your advice and signed up for a Twitter account!  I am following who you suggested, inlcuding you.  Thank you so much. I am so anxious to learn more and more!

Even with just one computer, you can have your students complete a wealth of projects, by having them work in groups and rotating through computer work -- much like they would a center. I had my fourth graders rotate through a single computer for a couple of weeks to create poetry podcasts. (Here's a sample.) I also had them keep a class dictionary as an online wiki, where students would take turns adding new vocabulary words (or refining others' definitions) to the page.


Also, think about what other technology you could possibly access. Depending on your students, you might be able to bring cell phones into your classroom. When I taught in a low-income inner-city area, many of my students had smartphones with cameras, video, and Internet access. If just 5 or so of your students have these phones, you can have them work in groups to create various projects, some of which are outlined here.


For more ideas on free ways to integrate technology into your classroom, check out my blog, Stretch Your Digital Dollar. There's a "Lesson Ideas" section that might give you some concrete ideas to start with.


Good luck!

Katy Scott

Consider beginning a classroom blog. You would only need one computer for this. I am just starting out my classroom blog and I have a long way to go, but this thread is now discussing great classroom blogs. You might find some inspiration there.
Thanks to everyone who has been willing to give me advice.  I am so anxious to try these ideas! 



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